Beauty and the Beasts

Chapter 86 - Settle Down in the City of Beastmen

Relieved, Parker caressed Bai Qingqing’s face and said, “Then I fear nothing. Qingqing, let’s move out.”

“Okay,” Bai Qingqing replied. She didn’t have a place to stay anyway, and they couldn’t very well keep sticking around at Parker’s parents’ place.

Memi said, “Sorry you have to go through this, Baby. The two of you can move into the stone house we arranged for you. Don’t go back to that small village anymore. It’s not safe for Qingqing there.”

Parker smiled, then lifted Bai Qingqing horizontally. “Mom, I killed a giant beast recently. I can afford a stone house of my own in the City of Beastmen now.”

“My baby is so incredible.” Memi marveled.

When Bai Qingqing was lifted up by Parker, she shoved at him by reflex. Of course, she didn’t even manage to budge him at all—her body was still too feeble, and her tummy was still aching.

Forget it, she would just be delicate for once.

With that thought, Bai Qingqing just laid in Parker’s arms and allowed him to carry her.

Parker carried Bai Qingqing back to the bedroom to take his luggage, then strode out of the stone castle.

On the streets, there were plenty of beastmen coming and going, and all sorts of chattering were going on around them.

“Howl? Howl!” Seems like we have a new female in the city? Awesome!

This was the voice of an underage tiger.

“Meow!” This female is so fair. But her face isn’t very pretty.

This came from a petite leopard cat.

“Growl!” A big and burly brown bear growled. My goodness, look at her feet!

The streets became abnormally quiet for a moment, and suddenly, pity could be seen in their gazes as they looked at the female.

She’s been captured by a homeless beast? No wonder she’s so frail. She’s so pitiful. Thank god she’s been rescued. Her admirer is incredible.

Bai Qingqing noticed that half of the beastmen in the City of Beastmen had one animal stripe, slightly less than half had two stripes, and very few of them had three stripes. There were also some beastmen who didn’t have any stripes on their faces, but they were the minority, and those who had no stripes at all were very young.

Now, these beastmen were looking very keenly at her, as though she was a panda at the zoo.

Bai Qingqing buried her face in Parker’s firm arm and said softly, “Hurry up and go, so many people are staring at me.”

“Okay.” Parker wrinkled his nose and detected the faint smell of blood. Right away, he sprinted off with Bai Qingqing in her arms.

I mustn’t let those males sniff this. They will surely have the wrong idea and think that Qingqing is in heat.

The houses in the City of Beastmen were built of stone and all had the same specifications, neatly arranged in rows.

Parker sniffed each and every house, then carried Bai Qingqing into one of the stone houses.

“Is this house occupied?” Bai Qingqing jumped down from Parker’s arms and glanced around with a worried look.

The roof of the stone house was very high, and there were two rooms. The central room wasn’t very big—about 30 to 40 square meters. There was a burnt mark on the ground in the center, left behind by the frequent barbecuing of meat at that spot.

The bedroom, on the other hand, was twice as big as the central room. It was empty, resembling a large classroom that didn’t have any tables and chairs in it.

Something suddenly occurred to Bai Qingqing, causing her to halt in her footsteps. Such a large bedroom, is it to make it convenient for the female to sleep with many males together?

Parker spread out a piece of animal skin on the ground and pulled Bai Qingqing to sit on it. He said, “Don’t worry. This house has been unoccupied for a long time. I’ll pay for this house with the transparent crystal later, and this house will be ours from then on.”

“Err… are all the houses like this?” Bai Qingqing asked.

Parked replied, “Yes, these houses were built by our ancestors many years ago.”

“Do those females who have several mates sleep with all their males together?”

With all fours on the ground, Parker sniffed the ground maniacally like a leopard as he replied to her, “Of course.”

Bai Qingqing’s expression froze. All of a sudden, she didn’t dare look those females straight in the face now.

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