Monster Girl Ranching in Another World

Chapter 165 - Escape, The Platinum Touch

Fleeing for her life while Fearcania slaughtered her siblings, Lizy had frantically spun a sail as she ran and dodged. Strangely, Lizy had remembered that she had felt stronger each time more children were killed around her.

It had almost been like she was receiving part of each of their lives as they died. It helped to strengthen and give her the energy to move faster.

Lizy\'s scrambled with the others as she frantically created the sail her body was telling her to. The only thoughts at the time had been to get to the edge of the crater she was in.

The Magenta Steel Silk cocoon was at the top of a volcano in the middle of the Hydralica Ocean known as Deaths Summit Island. It was a single massive Island that was all volcanoes that stretched up into the clouds.

This would be seen as cruel and unfair to the outside watcher and her children. Yet, the ancient Queen didn\'t do this because she wanted to.

Fearcania knew that this was the only way for the surviving children to have a chance to grow.

In the new dangerous world that she was sending them, the strength she had given them was shared among all her children. Fearcania knew that she would have to kill as many could so the others would be strong enough for the journey across the sea.

She knew that many would not make it and drowned in the Ocean, while others would be consumed as they drifted to reach Gardania, Fearcania\'s home. Their fight wouldn\'t be over then because the Demons would never let them live in peace, the reason why Fearcania was forced from her home.

Or it had been, but then the Demon King Scourge and a flood of other Demons had appeared almost five centuries ago. The King and his wave poured out over the land, and the creatures of this world had tried to destroy them, but they came back as fast as they were killed.

Forcing most of the ancients to flee the continent, the Demons continued to spread across the lands. Fearcania was one of the last to leave because she wanted to learn as much as she could so she might return one day.

There was a limit to the Demons, and once they hit it, their reproduction had almost completely stopped. They also burned out their women after the first child, but then the demons captured other races.

They changed them into demonic shadows of their past selves, but it destroyed the soul that was inside of them. The Spider Queen had been forced to kill her own children after they had drunk the blood of Demons, figuring out how they were doing it.

Over time, Fearcania had watched them spread out and even forced her children to stay with her as she gathered an army of hundreds and thousands. She had planned to assault all the New demon settlements but had failed and almost lost her life.

Almost a century ago, The Queen had mounted an attack against the Demons. She had attacked from all over the continent of Gardania at the same time.

Spreading them across Gardania over ten years, Fearcania had planned the assault to be flawless. With orders for her children to attack at the first full moon of autumn, and everything had gone to plan.

Then he appeared, The Demon King Scourge and the flow of the assault reversed. Ten years of plans fell apart in a matter of hours.

Scourge, a Rank A platinum Demon that could turn anything he touched into platinum, this was this third entry. Demon Kings with the Rank of A or higher were Conqueror Class Demons, and Zero, one of two Empheryal Ranked Demons, sent them across the Multiverse.

Each Conqueror Class Demon King was responsible for removing the old life and replacing them with his demonic ones. Scourge had already purged the life from two, and not even the Champions of those worlds could stop him, and now it was time for the next.

Entering from a tear in reality with massive spiraling horns, a humanoid no more than six feet tall, the Demon King, Scourge, appeared on the battlefield. To this day, platinum bodies littered the plains of Gardania; Scourge was able to split himself, and every spiderling he touched was turned to solid platinum.

Fearcania was chased from the continent, barely escaping with her life, losing one of her long eight legs. Now it served as a reminder to the Queen that these Otherworldy Abominations couldn\'t be beaten, and Fearcania wasn\'t over three thousand years old because she was stupid.

Culling her children was the best thing that she could do for them. Yet, it was likely that even if she could give all of her strength to one, it would still be killed.

All the Spider Queen could do was hide at the top of the mountain. Fearcania waited for a hero to come and save her, but even she was losing faith in the Old One\'s words.

Lizy knew none of this and still didn\'t. At the time, and even now, she had known that fleeing was the only chance she had to survive.

Tossing herself off the edge of the volcano, and then the sail that was partially completely caught the air draft, and Lizy was pulled into the sky with her other siblings. The sounds of squeals and death slowly had gotten quiet and then were replaced with new squeals of the same thing.

From Death\'s Summit Island, the Spiderlings had floated up and into the clouds that touched the peek. Though, above the clouds, a new death awaited them in the form of small dragon-like creatures that snatched the fleeing spiderling.

Lizy and her siblings were no bigger than hand-sized, and they had no way to avoid the creatures as they were picked out of the air. Some tried to use their Steel Silk to shoot at the creatures, but the thin threads of the freshly hatched Magma spiders had no effect.

Nothing short of a miracle had allowed her and a group of fifty others to escape the slaughter. Together they floated for three days.

Lizy had gotten to know some of them at that time, and she had started to think things were looking up. Then the storm came, and more than half of them were killed or lost.

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