500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 195 Not A Demon

There were Easterners all wearing different clothes, and they all seemed to be going about their day. Some of them were carrying packages, and some of them were talking to each other. The all-around atmosphere really didn\'t seem that bad to me, but the wetness was a drag.

"I mean, I know a bit, but I am not from here. I have been here less than a week," I explained, and Mishal nodded as she leaned against a white stone building.

"As the eggs mature, they get a golden filigree design on them in the image of the person that is to be born. When the eggs are seven months old, you have a pretty good idea of what they will look like, and the marks of the storm under our eyes always stand out at that point," Mishal explained, and I nodded.

"That is rough, but you seem to have some friends with the Easterners, right? Or why are you hanging around with them?" I asked, and Mishal shrugged.

"I suppose you could say that. They don\'t judge me, and I help protect them from monsters that come. It is more of a job than anything, but some of the girls do like to come around more than others. Even in the temple, we were taught not to get attached to people. Sometimes this power can do much more than is intended, especially if there are attached emotions," Mishal explained and pushed off the wall. "Come on. We have a long walk over still, and we don\'t want to be in the way when the sailors come back."

I nodded with Barry bobbing along as he rode my back with his little hands over my cat ears. I decided that I had better give her a name, but I was tired of calling everyone by woman names. Not like Barry wasn\'t going to start arguing about it.

Both of us moved away from the wall and joined the crowd. The steam was still thick, and I could see it pumping out of the sides of the buildings. I was curious to know what they used to heat the water since the best way to do it would be with magic.

We walked in silence for a while, and I tried to take in everything around me. The buildings were all made of stone, and they were all of different sizes and shapes. Now I was able to see that some of them were taller than others, and some of them had different decorations on the outside.

After passing through what seemed to be the lower city market, we only had to travel a short way to the temple. On the way, Mishal explained how these women would be some of the friendliest that I would meet in the city.

"They are all very kind, and they will help you with anything that you need. Just be careful not to anger them, or you will be in for a world of pain," Mishal said, and I nodded.

We finally arrived at the temple, and I could see why it was so hidden. The entrance was through a small door in an alley, and it was easy to miss if you weren\'t looking for it.

We stepped inside, and I was immediately hit with the smell of incense. In this first area, I could see women walking around in long robes, and they all stopped and looked at me. I must have looked out of place because they all started whispering to each other.

Mishal put me down and walked up to a woman who was standing near the next entrance, and they started talking in hushed tones. I couldn\'t hear what they were saying, but I could tell that the woman was not happy to see me.

Finally, they finished talking, and the woman walked away. Mishal came back over to me, and she looked apologetic.

"I am sorry, but you are not allowed in the main temple. The priestess says that you are not welcome and that you should leave," Mishal said, and I frowned.

"But I just got here. I haven\'t even had a chance to look around," I protested, and Mishal shook her head.

"I am sorry, but you will have to leave. Maybe another time," Mishal said, and she started to lead me back out the door.

I didn\'t want to leave, but it didn\'t seem like I had much of a choice. I was disappointed, but I supposed that it wasn\'t meant to be. I would just have to find another way to see the inside of the temple.

"What was that about?!" I asked, slightly put off after being told that this was the place where I would get the warmest welcome.

"Wait, please," Mishal said, and she walked off into a back alley.

I bounded along, and Mishal turned left, heading around to the back of the same building. She waved for me to follow, and a door opened up, with another Peekaan woman with glowing marks under her eyes waving us inside.

Once the door closed, I started to look around at the other dark-skinned faces staring at me with glowing marks. I wasn\'t sure if I should transform or not, but the woman all looked like they were going to pounce on me.

"So," I said, and all the women straightened up at my voice.

"Mishal!" One hissed. "Why did you bring this demonic creature in here?! This is a sacred temple of Lagoona!"

"Lagoona bore us here herself! You can ask her if you do not believe me!" Mishal hissed back.

I could see that things must not be as friendly as she assumed. Either that or this really was the better for the people. That thought gave me pause, and I really hoped that she had misjudged the place.

"Well, I am not a demon, but I like where you are going with that! Maybe we should get everyone to spread that!" I laughed and then transformed back into my human form.

All the women in the room except for Mishal back up to press into the walls. Some even looked like they were trying to fit in the cracks. It hardly looked like I was convincing them I wasn\'t a demon, but these girls looked pretty sheltered.

"What is this creature, Mishal?!" The first that had exclaimed had a skinny body that looked underfed. That was the same for most of the girls that were pressed into the walls.

"This is Galio. Has the information about her not reached you yet, Lya?" Mishal asked as I looked around the sparse room.

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