500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 614 Gathering Allies

I felt Virgo\'s fingers intertwined with mine, and she gave me a reassuring squeeze. "We\'ll figure this out, Galio," she whispered, her voice soft and comforting. "We always do."

I nodded, my heart swelling with determination. "You\'re right. We will, but what about Bellazibub?"

"She is fine. I only locked her in the previous level, where she belongs. I don\'t want to share you for now, and you still have her necklace to hide with," Virgo said before climbing back on top of me. "Do you think we can go again? I feel like there might be a bit of darkness left."

[Demon Market Layer]

We began our search for the other Zodiacs in the Demon Market Layer, an entire level of the Underworld that was one massive market. This was the fifth layer, and it was teeming with a variety of demons engaging in trade and bartering. It was the perfect place to gather information and, hopefully, find some of our missing allies.

As we wandered through the bustling market, I couldn\'t help but feel a sense of unease. I knew Kadeon was watching us, and he wouldn\'t take our interference lightly. But we had no choice; we had to find the other Zodiacs and bring them to our side. Time was running out.

Virgo and I walked side by side, looking around for any signs of the Zodiacs or anyone who might know their whereabouts. The sheer number of demons in the market made it difficult to focus on any particular individual, but we had to keep searching.

"So, what\'s the plan?" Virgo asked, her eyes scanning the crowd.

"We need to find the other Zodiacs and figure out if we can break Kadeon\'s control," I replied. "We need to gather as many allies as we can and prepare for the inevitable confrontation with him."

Virgo nodded in agreement. "And we need to do it quickly. I know that he is doing something to Leo, and I don\'t think you will be able to break him so easily this time. I didn\'t see what you did, but I don\'t think it will work twice."

I nodded. The truth was that I didn\'t beat him alone. I had Tallia, Nemoria, and Eliza with me at the time. Without them there, I don\'t think I would have made it.

"That is worrisome," I said as we walked. "But it is clear that my Positive Energy is the key to this since it worked with you, right?" I asked, and Virgo stopped and raised an eyebrow as she turned her head to look at me.

"Correct me if I am wrong, but I don\'t ever remember you taking an interest in men, yes?" She asked, and I frowned.

"No. I am a man that loves women," I said plainly like it was the only answer because it was. Nothing against men, but just not my thing.

"So then I don\'t think that your positive Energy Cum Cannon is going to do the job unless hosing them down would work. From our experience, that is what it took, right?" Virgo asked, and I laughed.

"Yeah, well, when you put it that way, I really don\'t have much other than beating the shit out of them," I chuckled, but it ended in a sigh. "Even with the other female Zodiac, I am not going to be able to do that. They are all spouses to the male zodiacs, who are all my friends. I just don\'t think that they would understand if I tried to explain fucking their wives was my only option to save them."

Virgo sighed as well, her eyes briefly meeting mine before returning to scan the crowd. "We\'ll have to find another way, then. There has to be something else we can do."

As we continued our search, the crowd seemed to grow denser, and the noise became almost overwhelming. The chaotic energy of the market was starting to wear on us, but we had to push through it.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my arm, and I turned to see a familiar face – Cestia.

"Come with me, you idiots!" She snapped and then pulled both of us into a building that looked rundown, but it was empty.

The moment that she let go of my arm, I grabbed her by the throat. I used my other hand to cover her eyes and lift her off the ground.

"Don\'t bother to struggle, or you only make this worse," I said, keeping my grip loose enough so she could still breathe.

"What are you doing?!" Virgo demanded, grabbing at my arm ineffectually.

"I know something about each of you that you only know because of me. I helped each of you discover many things about Prime before you were turned to Zodiacs. Each of you should know what I am talking about," I said and then turned back to Cestia. "What is your thing?"

Cestia choked out a laugh and then whispered something that only I could hear. I immediately released her, and she stumbled back, coughing and rubbing her throat.

"Okay, okay, so it\'s really you," she said, a scowl on her face. "I thought it was another one of Kadeon\'s tricks."

"I can\'t blame you for being cautious," I said, and Virgo nodded in agreement.

Cestia sighed and crossed her arms. "I managed to break free from Kadeon\'s control a while ago, but I\'ve been laying low, trying to figure out what to do next. When I saw you two, I knew I had to reach out."

"So, you\'ve been hiding this whole time?" I asked, feeling a mixture of relief and frustration.

"I didn\'t have a choice!" Cestia snapped. "Kadeon\'s been hunting me down, and I wasn\'t about to make it easy for him."

"Alright, we understand," Virgo said, placing a calming hand on my arm. "Now that we\'re together, we need to find the others and come up with a plan."

"Well, if you have broken free from him, then you have no power, right?" I asked. I knew that she could not only read people\'s minds but also read them ten seconds into the future. In order for her to do this, she had to make eye contact with her target.

"Yeah? What about it?" Asked me, sneering at me.

"Well, I can renew them. All you have to do is accept me as your god, and I will bless you," I said, but Cestia flinched back with a disgusted look on her face.

"Absolutely not!" she exclaimed, her eyes narrowing. "I don\'t need your pity or your blessing. I\'ll find my own way to get my powers back."

"Cestia, don\'t be stubborn," Virgo pleaded. "Galio is trying to help. We need you at your full strength if we\'re going to face Kadeon."

Cestia hesitated, a flicker of doubt crossing her face. But then she set her jaw and turned away. "I said no. I\'ll find another way."

With that, she stormed out of the building, leaving us to stare after her in disbelief.

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