Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 167 A Gagger

"Ben is an actual bat, you French jackass! And yes, I would like for you to animate him, or whatever. That creature had been there with me through thick and thin. Saved me from a bear attack one night when I was walking him," Teresa declared, and I had to take a double take of what I had just heard.

Sofia was the first to ask the question.

"Wait. You take your pet bat for walks? How does that even work?" Sofia asked with a perplexed look on her face as she fingered her lower lip.

"Walking? Well, I walk, and I let him fly, of course! His little spindly legs aren\'t too good at that! Ha! We tried the whole leash thing, but that just made him flop like a dead fish," Teresa explained, shaking her head in disappointment.

"Then how do you make him come back?" Aiko asked, and I nodded.

"That? Well, he loves me, of course, but he usually just gets too far away from me. Then the shock collar gives him a good zap! Then I have my trusty fishing net with my GPS to make sure I can catch him when he falls! Only missed twice, but Ben is one resilient bat!" Teresa laughed, and I paled a bit, feeling for this poor bat.

Maybe it might be in the bat\'s best interest to get some distance from this woman. Their relationship seemed a bit one-sided.

"So then, how did your bat, Ben, save you from a bear?" Terri asked.

"Landed on his head, freaked the bear out, and it ran away. That was one of the times that I missed him, but considering the circumstances, I am sure Ben forgave me," Teresa sighed, and I just blinked.

"Well, that is quite the story. Bring Ben by tomorrow, and I will see to him. Now, time for the next one, Terri!" I said, and Teresa nodded, stepping back.

"Thank you, Mon Amie! I am sure you already know what I do, but just in case you don\'t! I worked for private contractors building some, let\'s say, less than savoy weapons. We were shut down, and I was packing up my office when the world ended! Lucky for me, you are in need of someone with my specialties!" Terri said with his thick french accent.

"Interesting. Well, since you aren\'t pointing those at humans anymore, I hope you can find some good ways to really shut down our foes," I said with a smile, offering Terri my hand.

"Ha ha! That is what I like to hear!" Terri laughed and shook my hand as I scanned him and activated my System.

The first option that came up hit the nail on the head, and There wasn\'t much that I needed to change about the System. It was good, but not nearly as overall strong as Teresa.

[Name: Terri Dubois]

[Race: Caucasian(French)]

[Talent: Combustion Weapons]

[System: Ignition System]

[System Description: Create Combustible Weapons and the ability to ignite anything that is combustible. Immune to fire.]

Terri flashed as I confirmed the selection, and Terri\'s hair lit on fire as his rough-looking suit was replaced with a smooth black one. The cuffs of his sleeves lit on fire along with his collar. He didn\'t move at first, but his eyes went upwards as he tried to look at his head, which was clearly on fire.

"Ummm, is he supposed to be on fire like that? Hentai woman, you got a fire extinguisher?" Teresa asked, and I laughed.

"No, that is the way he is supposed to be! I thought he looked cool," I said, nodding to Terri, who was looking over his new body.

"This is something else, Mon Amie! I am actually on fire, but the fire does burn me!" Terri laughed as he ran his hands through his burning hair.

Teresa reached over and tried to put her hand near Terri\'s hair but ripped it back quickly.

"Son of a bitch! That is hot! How can he do that?! I mean, he is the one on fire, but that just isn\'t right! How is he supposed to sleep?!" Teresa exclaimed.

"Sleep is for the weak! You should have been using the regeneration pools, and you would be able to work all the time! Sleeping is a human weakness that we are evolving out of with these pools!" Terri declared with a laugh.

"Waiiit!" Aiko shouted, dragging the world. "You don\'t need to sleep?! Just from getting in the green goop?"

"Yes, Niñita, you can use the power to recharge that foul mouth of yours!" Sofia growled.

"Baka Hentia woman! I am going to need a recharge working with you!" Aiko growled back, and I could almost feel the electricity crackle between them.

"Girls, let\'s just get along. Sofia, I think you might need a smoke," I said as I stepped between the two of them.

"A smoke? Yes, but I am going to need something stronger than that! Arbol Viejo! Twist me up a gagger!" Sofia snapped as she walked back to the corner, sitting down in a chair that formed under her as she sat down. "Frenchie, I need a light!"

"Excuse me, I have a name," Terri complained, and Sofia gave him a look as she grabbed the freshly rolled smoke and put it in her mouth.

"And I have problems; now give me your sleeve so I can take care of this one before I hit that Niñita with my slipper!" Sofia growled, and Terri sighed, offering her his sleeve, but then sniffed the air. "Oh, that is some good-smelling skunk! Let me have a taste of this fresh grown stuff, mon Amie!"

"Sure, but Arbol Viejo makes pretty strong stuff for me! I think the tree thinks that it will mellow me out, but you have another thing coming, Árbol Viejo!" Sofia said, but then the chair disappeared from under her. "Árbol Viejo! Papi! You need to fix Árbol Viejo! He is broken!"

Sofia handed the smoke to Terri after she got up, and he took a deep drag but then immediately started to cough.

"Aye, Aye! What did you put in that thing?! Is it a Jeffery?! Woah! I need to sit down!" Terri said as he coughed and handed the smoke back to Sofia, who was grinning.

"I told you that this tree doesn\'t mess around! Árbol Viejo is just making me more resistant to the stuff!" Sofia laughed, taking another long drag, and I sighed, turning back to Aiko, who was scrunching up her nose.

"That stuff really does smell like a run-over skunk," Aiko said, and I nodded.

"Good for relaxing and calming the nerves. There are a bunch of other uses for it, but we have got rid of most of the bad things that make the stuff addicting. It\'s still not for everyone, but it is great for listening to music, reading, and watching movies," I said with a smile and then offered the short woman my hand.

I was particularly interested in what System Aiko was going to get. She specialized in small-scale mechanized suits, but they were for arena fighting in Japan. I guess that Gaia must have gotten her brought over like some of the other people here like her.

"Yes, but to be clear, my name is Yua. Aiko is my surname, but I like when you call me that, Sensei," Aiko said, taking my hand.

"Oh shit, I should have known that! Bah, I have watched enough anime by now to know this stuff!" I said, slapping my free hand to my face as I scanned Aiko.

"It\'s okay; it is a common mistake," Aiko said as my System activated.

The first thing that came up was the Battle Bot System, and I would have slapped my system for such a stupid suggestion if I could. The next was The Zord System, but that was specified around one set of mechs that made a bigger one.

I rolled again, and this time I got something more along the lines of what I was looking for. This one could produce the Mechs and upgrade them, and that was exactly what I was looking for.

[Name: Aiko Yua]

[Race: Asian(Japanese)]

[Talent: Mechanized Armor]

[System: Mech Assault System]

[System Description: Create Mechanized Armor Suits and Upgrade them.]

As I confirmed the System, Aiko flashed, and she was fitted in a pink and blue body suit that was segmented with lines. There were also what looked like ports on her suit that could be hooked up to something.

Aiko\'s body got slightly slimmer, but she still retained her cuteness. She was one of those girls that looked better with a bit of weight on her.

"Well, that is a cute change for you. How does it feel?" I asked as Aiko let go of my hand, but she had a far-off look.

"This is really amazing. Where is my office? And can there be a regeneration pool put in it? I don\'t think that I will be able to ever sleep again with this at my finger tips!" Aiko explained as she walked to a table. "Ouch! Who put this here?"

"Sofia, do you want to get a floor ready and take Aiko before she walks into anything else?" I asked, and Sofia nodded.

"Yes, I will take her, but make sure that Frenchie here doesn\'t burn the place down," Sofia said as she put out the smoke.

"I… reject you calling me… What did you call me again? I remember that I didn\'t like it, but that was about it," Terri said with a slow voice from the chair he was slumped in.

"Mr. Tree, can you whip up a pot of coffee for Terri here?" I asked with a sigh as Aiko and Sofia left the room.

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