Low Dimensional Game

Chapter 240 - Mermaid Kingdom

Chapter 240: Mermaid Kingdom

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

A giant Thunder Ray traversed on the ocean’s surface. There was a topless woman lying on top of the Thunder Ray.

Her blue hair was blowing in the wind, while her long fishtail skimmed over the surface of the water and made splashes. As it made its way, the giant Thunder Ray released a predator-like aura of a highest tier magical beast. All of the monsters and magical beasts were terrified of this aura.

The Thunder Ray was the true son of the Sea God, and the one controlling it was a mermaid who also a descendant of sakun. It had been about a hundred years since the birth of the mermaid race. Since that time, they had grown into quite a big group.

At this moment, the mermaid that was riding the Thunder Ray suddenly noticed a giant shadow in the sky. She lifted her head and saw a flying castle that had just appeared from the clouds under the sun.

“Praise the Sea God!” She opened her eyes wide and exclaimed. She could see the flying castle passing through the clouds, heading towards the Swirl Continent.

The giant flying castle appeared like a small island in the sky. Anyone would be amazed by it.

At that time, the social structure of the mermaids was still a matriarchal society. As such, the female mermaids had the highest power and ruled over the other classes.

Aside from the hundreds of regular mermaids, there was another branch of descendants that were known as the sahagins. Their official name, which was given by Lu Zhiyu when he listed the species in the Alen Continent, was Koutao sahagins.

These Koutao sahagins, when compared to the beautiful mermaids, were more like abnormal mutants. Their heads were big and ugly, and their bodies were full of scales. Also, their hands and legs were attached webbing.

Aside from their huge bodies and superior physical strengths, Koutao sahagins were nothing special. They were not smart and didn’t have any special powers.

Their lifespans were close to those of normal humans. In fact, the only noteworthy thing about them was their reproductivity.

After only being in existence for a few decades, the Koutao sahagins had already reached a hundred thousand in number. They lived in the inner lakes and lands of the Swirl Continent.

The mermaids controlled these Koutao sahagins, making them build palaces and enslaving them. There was a city of mermaids near the inner lake of the Swirl Continent, which was surrounded by a river.

The entrances of every building inside the city had a river flowing through them. As such, this city was built on top of the water, and it was called Alada City.

Streams of water passed through the city. The center palace was even built with a pool, fountain, and a fake mountain with a small waterfall inside of it.

Deep water tunnels connected every part of the city. These were like roads for the mermaids. As such, many mermaids and Koutao sahagins passed through them daily.

Their beautiful bodies could often be seen in the water. When some mermaids jumped out of the water, their fishtails turned into human legs. Then, they slowly walked into the palace.

There were also Koutao sahagin guards, who were holding Poseidon-like forks everywhere in the palace. However, the mermaids themselves didn’t have any guards, not to mention armies.

They only used weapons for hunting. Aside from some magical beasts, they had no enemies.

The beautiful mermaids didn’t consider the Koutao sahagins as their own kind. This is why they enslaved the Koutao sahagins. In this way, the majority of the Koutao Sahagins became slaves for the mermaids at birth, and were forced to serve them until they died.

Therefore, a decade ago, a revolution was organized by a group of Koutao sahagins that were not happy with being enslaved. The main organizer’s name was Barry. He led tens of thousands of sahagins to storm the palace. During the melais, many mermaids were killed.

However, this revolution was quickly suppressed by the mermaids via their special powers. As their flashes of special power blinked into the palace, they easily killed the Koutao sahagins and dyed the whole Alad City red.

Every tunnel and river flowed red with the blood of the sahagins. The plans of the Koutao sahagins were completely spoiled. However, the princess of the mermaids was kidnapped by the leader Barry, who then dove into the deep sea.

As for the other rebellious Koutao sahagins, after their attack failed, they retreated to the forest of the Swirl Continent. They were still there to this day, hiding in the dark and plotting their revenge against the mermaids.

The mermaids had eliminated and suppressed them many times. However, since the population of the mermaids was small and the Swirl Continent was huge, the mermaids only took control of part of it.

The rebellions soon spread out into other tribes and hid in the corners of the continent. There was no way to clear them out by then.

However, after this revolution, the mermaids enforced their control over the tribes of Koutao sahagins even harsher. The defenses were especially tightened in the Alad City. However, this had only worsened the relationship between the mermaids and the Koutao sahagins.

At times like this, the past speeches and teachings of the rebel leader Barry were often brought up by the Koutao sahagins...

“We are all sons of the Sea God. We are all descendants of God. Why are they all high and mighty, while we are so lowly? This is not fair.”

“We are also descendants of God!”


The inner lake in the Swirl Continent was larger than the area of land. It was connected to the ocean, so the water was a deep blue.

The mermaids splashed their tails on the surface of the lake. The sunlight reflecting on the water and in the splashes was very pretty.

In the bright palace, the Queen of the Alad City, Sally, began the mermaid administrator meeting. Immediately, a massive argument broke out among all of those present...

“Those filthy Koutao sahagins! They should have survived!”

“They are humiliating the bloodline of God!”

“Letting them serve us was already an honor. Why should we give them any more rights, thus making them superior to us?”

Some people felt sorry for the Koutao sahagins, especially those mermaid who had sahagin offspring. They voiced different opinions.

However, they were the minority, as most mermaids considered giving birth to sahagins was a dishonor. In fact, if this ever occurred, most of them would kill them when they were born!

“You murderers! Don’t you think that the Koutao sahagins are a part of us?”

“That’s what you think. I never considered them as being a part of us.”

Queen Sally stood up in a rage. “Alright, I have seen God himself, so I know the intentions of God. You all stay quiet.”

The meeting abruptly ended, with no solution to the problem. If they didn’t resolve this, the social structure of the Mermaid Kingdom would fall apart completely. As the population of mermaids was too small to build a civilization of their own, they had to be supported by the Koutao sahagins.

This newborn kingdom had already met their first problem, and Queen Sally had no experience solving this kind of problem. This society was so new, they had no written language yet. Clearly, they still needed to explore many things and make many improvements.

Queen Sally was the only mermaid that had met God before, so she had the right to explain God to the others and manage the kingdom. That was why she had been chosen to be the queen of the Mermaid Kingdom. However, many mermaids still didn’t trust her completely.

There was a temple in Alad City. In the middle of the temple, there was a pool.

In the pool, there was a statue of God. He was wearing white and his face was not clear. The statue had been built according to what Sally saw when she was born and had met God.

“God! What should I do?” Sally walked onto the stone bridge that stretched over the pool, then knelt in front of the statue and prayed.

At that moment, she heard a laugh. She was shocked, so she looked up.

She saw a man in a white robe. He was sitting at the base of the statue, lazily leaning back on it, while his naked foot hung in front of Queen Sally’s face.

This act of disrespecting God would usually anger Quen Sally and the mermaids. However, as she looked at this man, his face matched perfectly with one from her memories. This stunned her.

“Sally, right?” Lu Zhiyu thought back and remembered her.

This was the mermaid that he had called No.1 when he was creating the mermaids. She was the same mermaid who had opened her eyes so suddenly that it had spooked Lu Zhiyu!

Sally was sizing up Lu Zhiyu at the moment. She held her hands in front of her chest and asked for confirmation. “You... You have really appeared?”

Lu Zhiyu nodded and said, “Go look for your daughter. She was called Gina. Go towards the southwest. In a faraway land that is ruled by humans and orcs, you will find your daughter in a human kingdom called the Tuten Dynasty! The bloodline will lead you to her. She shall be the next queen of the Mermaid Kingdom, and she will lead you all into the future to achieve your goals!” After Lu Zhiyu finished speaking, he disappeared into thin air.

Mermaids were the first special race in the world, but they were too isolated and were born too late. Hence, the humans and orcs had already discovered the ocean and had begun exploring the world. In contrast, at this time, the mermaids were still in the initial stages of building their civilization. Only by communicating with humans, could they get the necessary access to push their society further into the future and sped up their development.

“Thank you for your orders. We will follow your instructions!” Sally stood up and said.

After seeing Lu Zhiyu disappear into thin air, she stood up and smiled. Her face was filled with joy.

“My daughter! Gina! Oh my God! She is still alive!”

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