The Great Thief

Chapter 946 Regaining the Advantage

Turning into a demon likely led the audience and her two opponents to believe that Kitty Likes Meat could take both of them on at once. However, they didn’t know that this was as strong as she could get.

If the Warrior didn’t run and just tried to reduce the amount of damage he received while the Hunter continued to attack her, then the outcome today might have been different.

A consequence of the demon transformation was that Kitty Likes Meat’s Armor was halved. Even with her current equipment, she wouldn’t be able to withstand the attacks from two players, not the mention the Hunter’s pet.

But since the Warrior was running away, she had enough strength left to deal with the Hunter.

She wasn’t afraid when it was a two-on-one, so this one-on-one was no problem for her. Kitty Likes Meat had powerful attacks and a seemingly endless supply of crowd-control from her Warlock Profession. This forced the Hunter to retreat as well.

As mentioned before, Warlocks would soon become the favorite profession of the game because of their strong Vampirism skills like Drain Life.

Drain Life caused damage and also regenerated the user’s HP.

Mortal Coil caused the enemy target to run away in Fear for 3 seconds and could hea the caster for a maximum of 11% HP.

Kitty Likes Meat’s two signature skills allowed her to attack the Hunter boldly despite being injured. Of course, the Hunter’s HP was no longer full and was now dropping quickly.

The Hunter thought that he had a chance when he saw that she didn’t have much HP left.

However, after she casted a number of HP regenerating skills, he discovered that he was losing HP more rapidly than she was.

When both of their HP bars fell below a third, the Hunter finally panicked.

He turned around to run away while calling for the Warrior who had just escaped. Kitty Likes Meat didn’t want to let him get away this time, so she started chasing him.

The Demon Transformation was an ultimate skill and had a very long cooldown. There was no way for her to use it again within the span of this match.

As such, to prevent Ruling Sword from fighting at a numbers disadvantage, Kitty Likes Meat had to take out at least one of their players.

The Hunter wasn’t slow, and definitely had the potential of outrunning a Warlock if he wasn’t Crowd Controlled, but once he was Slowed, there was little he could do.

Kitty Likes Meat had already anticipated that he would try and escape. The small Succubus she had alongside her had an unused Fear, and she had also unconsciously moved it into a more favorable position while they were fighting.

The moment the Hunter was affected by the succubus’ Fear, Kitty Likes Meat gained an immediate advantage.

After killing the Hunter, she instructed the Succubus to stall the Warrior while she began running away quietly like a little rabbit.

Why didn’t she want to take another kill?

There was no way she could do it. She was quite low on HP now, and the Warrior would have regenerated more than half of his bar by now. Some of his skills would have also refreshed as well. No matter how skilled Kitty Likes Meat was, she didn’t want to take that risk.

The dark room provided her with a great environment to escape in.

After the Warrior threw off the Succubus, he hurried back to rejoin his team. If the Warlock arrived first, the fight could very well be over.

The current situation of players on the field was four a side.

Kitty Likes Meat didn’t dare to wait until she had completely regenerated her HP, because she knew that the crisis wasn’t over yet. If the other Warrior rejoined his teammates first, then Lu Li would be put under immense pressure.

Once Lu Li knew that the numbers overall had equalized, he began to think of a way to leave the fight. He first Stunned their healer and blinded their Paladin, then signaled for Mu Qiu and Moonlight to go and join up with Kitty Likes Meat.

He was going to try and stop Twilight by himself. He didn’t care that he was now facing three players alone, as it would very soon turn into four anyway. He was a Thief, and if he wanted to leave ,no one could stop him.

After rejoining with Kitty Likes Meat, Ruling Sword once again had regained their advantage.

"We have to attack them in waves to win this match, but we have to learn from our last mistake. We can’t split up," Lu Li said calmly, completely unfazed by their previous defeat.

"We are the stronger side. We have three strong damage output professions, so it is better if we try and kill their healer," Kitty Likes Meat suggested.

"Alright. Let me engage first. Kitty, use your Crowd Control – then everyone can attack together. Their Priest is a bit tankier than most, so we have to attack with all our strength," Lu Li instructed. He had tried to attack the Priest in their previous fights, but found that it was too difficult to do alone.

As such, Lu Li walked ahead again, but this time, he didn’t go into Stealth so that his teammates could follow him.

Perhaps if Lu Li had done this right from the start, they wouldn’t have lost Fat Monkey and March Rain. But despite their first failure, it still wasn’t too late to be bold..

From the audience’s point of view, Stellar Union had employed a similar strategy. The Tire Killer was standing at the front with Vincent on the left and Twilight on the right. This effectively protected the Priest, who was in the middle.

This made Lu Li’s strategy of attacking the Priest first difficult to execute. Stellar Union was an established major guild; why would they leave such a big opening for him to take?

The two sides ran into each other a few minutes later, and a battle broke out once again.

After seeing their formation and hesitating, Lu Li decided to choose the Priest as his main target anyway.

He wasn’t someone who gave up easily, and it wasn’t an illogical move to target him. Lu Li used Blind on Twilight, who managed to use his Badge almost instantly, but the small window was enough for Lu Li to close the gap.

Lu Li used Premeditation, Cheap Shot, Backstab and Disarm. Not only was his target now Crowd Controlled, by their Armor had also been reduced by half.

Lu Li then transformed into a Giant Wolf. In the next ten seconds, he was going to deal a significant amount of damage to the Priest, unless someone Crowd Controlled him and allowed them to escape.

However, Lu Li believed in his teammates. Kitty Likes Meat cast an area Crowd Control into their team and Moonlight came rushing in with Whirlwind.

Mu Qiu didn’t have any damage skills because he was a healer, but the damage that was released in this short period of time was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Although Shining Stars struggled for a while, he eventually fell.

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