Martial Arts System

Chapter 126: Shameless!

Chapter 126: Shameless!



The audience cheered loudly after the previous fight ended unexpectantly.

\'\'Only 412 teams are remaining! Another 50 teams, please join your designated Arena\'s!\'\' Lyon shouted powerfully.


The spectators could barely stay put.

The previous 50 fights have been already terrifyingly impressive, and the top teams haven\'t even fought yet!

But then… The audience became so loud that the cameraman had to cut off the sound which is transmitted to the TV\'s.

The reason for the increase in volume was… High School of Fighting from Coldland is taking the stage!

And as expected, they will be fighting in Center Arena.

Lyon left the Center Arena— he nodded towards Giron and started walking away.

Giron did a slight nod.

Richard and the Four Kings were sitting in their seats, while the fighters from Hardland and the people who cheered for them were very quiet.

\'\'I will take this one.\'\' Rafael instantly said and stood up.

He leaped to the arena before letting anyone object.

\'\'Fine… Fight the weaklings, I don\'t care.\'\' Michael nonchalantly said.

The people from Hardland noticed Rafael taking the stage.

\'\'Fourth King… They are not taking us seriously, but that was expected.\'\' The Captain of Hardland said.

\'\'We can use this to our advantage.\'\' The young man next to him said.

The Captain nodded and stood up— he leaped to the arena and stood 10 meters away from Rafael.

His name is Rynko, and he became 18 a few weeks ago.

Rynko instantly went into a low fighting stance.

Rafael stood calmly, with boredom on his face.

\'\'Second Round! First Match between Coldland\'s High School of Fighting and Hardland\'s School of Fighting… Begins!\'\' Lyon shouted.

A Referee was standing outside the arena.

They don\'t have hundreds of Martial Captain referees, so they could only afford Martial Leader referees.

That\'s why they cannot stand in the same arena as the fighters— otherwise, they could get hurt.

\'\'Wuah!\'\' Rynko took a large stride forwards.

His stance was extremely low, and his fists were hidden.

Rafael went into a slight blocking stance.

[Sneak Arts - Unfathomable Shamelessness!]

Rynko unleashed his punch, but he didn\'t aim it towards Rafael\'s torso or head.

Instead, he aimed it towards Rafael\'s groin area…

\'\'?!\'\' Rafael widened his eyes and took a quick step backward.

But Rynko\'s attack was feint, and he used his left arm to hit Rafael perfectly on the cheek.


Rafael was sent sliding a dozen meters— slight blood trails came from his mouth.

\'\'S-S-Shameless!\'\' Michael shouted with widened eyes.

Even the audience didn\'t like that.


A booing concert appeared in the stadium.

But Rynko didn\'t care.

He would do anything to win.

[Sneak Arts - My Shameless Is Unrivaled!]

Rynko twisted his waist and used his body in perfect synchrony.

His fist started approaching Rafael\'s face.

Rafael snorted and put his palm forward, ready to block the attack.

But then…

Rynko\'s fist completely blocked his field of sight, and he didn\'t notice a kick approaching his groin.

But with Rafael\'s great senses, he felt that something was wrong.

He quickly glanced down and saw a leg approaching his groin.

\'\'GRRR!\'\' Rafael gritted his teeth put his knees together, which blocked the kick.

\'\'Hmph.\'\' Rynko snorted and used his right arm to punch.

Rafael again put his palm as protection, but Rynko\'s fist suddenly became pair of fingers.

Rynko attacked Rafael\'s eyes with his fingers.

\'\'ENOUGH!\'\' Rafael roared.

[Superior World!]

Rafael quickly used his palm and redirected Rynko\'s attack, then he used his left arm and used it to unleash a palm attack.


Rafael\'s palm attack hit Rynko\'s torso perfectly, which sent him flying to the other side of the arena.


The audience was very displeased to see Rynko\'s fighting style, but seeing Rafael effortlessly beat him up was satisfying.

\'\'Pfft…\'\' Rynko spat a mouthful of blood and stood up.

Rafael was now angry— he simply walked towards him.

Rynko went into his fighting style.

Once Rafael was close enough.

Rynko attacked!

[Sneak Arts - Shameless Overload!]

Rynko tackled towards Rafael, but with the corner of his eyes, he noticed something approaching his cheek.


Rynko fell down on the ground with a stinging pain on his cheek.

[Superior Beings Slap]

Rafael simply bitch slapped the sh*t out of him.

Rafael put his foot on his head and pushed him to the ground.

\'\'I am the superior being! Kneel before me!\'\' Rafael shouted.

\'\'UGH…\'\' Rynko tried to stand up, but every time he tried to do something.

Rafael pressed his foot harder, which made Rynko\'s head being crushed.

\'\'AGHHHH!\'\' Rynko\'s face was starting to get very bloody.

With no other choice left.




He tapped three times on the ground, signaling that he had given up.

\'\'FIRST MATCH OVER! WINNER, RAFAEL FROM HIGH SCHOOL OF FIGHTING!\'\' Lyon shouted powerfully from the commentator\'s stands.

He is the only commentator in the tournament as well.

Rafael snorted and kicked Rynko away from the arena.

\'\'Trash.\'\' Rafael spat out angrily and started waiting for his next victim.

But then… A white flag was shown from Hardland\'s stands, signaling that they had given up the fight.


\'\'GRRR!\'\' Rafael gritted his teeth with bloodshot eyes.

He left the arena and saw Michael\'s laughing figure.

\'\'HAHAHAHAHA!\'\' Michael was laughing so hard that tears left his eyes.

Rafael gritted his teeth and was about to attack Michael.

\'\'Enough,\'\' Giron said, which calmed everyone down.

Rafael unhappily sat next to Michael, who was currently trying to hold his laughter.

But the small sounds of Michael almost laughing made Rafael even angrier.

\'\'Let\'s go. Round 3 will start in 3-4 hours.\'\' Giron said.

Richard and others nodded and followed behind Giron.

They left the arena, but the audience still showed their support for Rafael\'s incredible show of power.

Rafael puffed his chest in pride.

Michael clicked his tongue and muttered \'\'Pity cheers…\'\'

Rafael\'s eyes went bloodshot again, and he was about to attack Michael.

But then Ichiro said, \'\'You two are so childish, tsk tsk.\'\'

\'\'WE DON\'T WANT TO HEAR THAT FROM YOU!\'\' Michael and Rafael both ganged against Ichiro.

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