
Volume 11, 6 – Gamers and Youth Master-up

Volume 11, Chapter 6 – Gamers and Youth Master-up

Translator: your_pingas

Chiaki Hoshinomori

“Haa, it has to be so far from the school. P-Phew…”

I nearly ran out of breath as I’m mumbling to myself on a dark and extremely cold mountain path.

The snow path alone is already making me suffer more than I have to. If we’re including conditions like mountains, slopes, and evening, I’m totally helpless. Honestly, I kept thinking about whether I should give up and go home.

“This…is…totally…the wrong option, …Keita.”

The spot that we’ll meet on White Day just has to be that plaza. I complained angrily.

Indeed, right now, I’m going to the place that we visited around 5 months ago-

-< Starry Plaza >.

That’s a dating spot built on a high platform filled with stairs. You can reach it by the mountain paths. Just like its name, it’s a place where you can see beautiful stars. Also…

(That’s…where I confessed to Keita…)

At this point, my cheeks still flare up whether I think about it.

I stood dazedly for a while and calmed down. Then, I gripped onto the handle with a layer of snow as I moved to the plaza once again.

Luckily, even though it’s infrequent, a bus leads from the school to this < Starry Plaza >. That’s why I prevented any additional waste of stamina and arrived at the start of the path. At least, compared to wasting a whole day using the GPS of the mobile game last time, I feel much better now. Well, even though the snow is draining my strength as well.

“Phew, …phew…”

Even so, I worked my way to the destination. I climbed on the path that’s nearly buried in snow.

“…I’m here…!”

I finally arrived at the destination - < Starry Plaza >.

This is a semicircular plaza that’s a bit far away from the mountain slope. There are double-seat benches on the circumference. The back of the benches is all facing upward.

It’s the same as when I came here in October.

However, all of these are covered in a thin layer of snow. Also, there were a lot of couples before. Yet, this time, there’s no one besides me.

“It’s hard to blame them…”

I mumbled and walked to the center of the plaza. I stared at the scenery dazedly.

…Actually, < Starry Plaza > isn’t a dating hotspot during winter. The reason is simply because of the cold while seeing the stars on the benches. Even though the sky is just as beautiful, it’s not a place that couples can casually challenge.

Even so, this < Starry Plaza > has to be the place.

“…Keita really lacks a nerve.”

Usually, he cares about other people’s opinions and feelings. However, he always acts by his values on important things. …He doesn’t care about the consequences at all.

“I bet he made a promise with Karen-san too…”

Even so.

I’m afraid this is just a good place to end everything with me. That’s why he simply chose a lonely and far away location.

“…I’m such a talentless girl, …sheesh.”

I looked at the sunset. The stars are already sparkling. …I can’t help but mumble with a bitter smile.

Although I’m already at the place, Keita’s not here yet.

I carefully swept away the snow on the couple\'s bench and took a seat. Although I can’t lean on it, my back still feels pretty cold even with a jacket. So, I planned to make a cushion with my school bag. I took out all the things inside first. Stationery bag, make-up kit (in-name-only, it’s actually filled with random stuff), then-

“Ah, right, I also brought this today!”

-I found the handheld console that I’ve always used. It’s exciting to know this.

I immediately put my school bag onto the bench and the rest onto my lap. After that, I grabbed the console while wearing gloves.

“Ho, ho, ho, I won’t be bored with this, no matter how long I have to wait…!”

Honestly, the battery is running out. It’s not recommended to play in such an extreme temperature. But, I have to do it now.

I quickly turned it on and continued from the save.

…Playing games instead of watching the starry sky in a snowy mountain on White Day. I suspected whether this is something a high school girl in love should do. …Well, who cares?

It’s because I’m the twisted gamer, Chiaki Hoshinomori! However…

“…E-Eh, we’re starting from the boss fight? …Ugh.”

I opened the game excitedly. Yet, I realized I’m in the deepest part of the maze. The savepoint is right before the boss battle.

Also, this game has to be an action RPG. It’s very difficult to control it precisely with gloves on. Even so…

“…But, it doesn’t feel right to avoid a fight here…!”

Chiaki Hoshinomori’s mysterious determination is ignited! I controlled the protagonist and entered the boss room. The boss fight showed up after a big warning. It’s a giant made with trees.


I got nervous. Also, this game is the rare kind that punishes you for dying. You have to start from the maze entrance if you fail. Why don’t I just start from the savepoint before the boss fight? Regrettably, that’s just a temporary one that’ll disappear after starting the adventure.

In other words, I’ll waste a lot of time if the boss kills me here.

The nervousness is subconsciously skyrocketing. Well, that’s one of the selling points of this game too.

Anyway, I should distance myself from him for now. However-

< Click! >


Suddenly, wooden spears were thrown out from the forest and paled my character. It looks like traps will activate if I run too far away from the boss forest. Moreover, spears shoot out if I get too close to the woods. I don’t know what to do…?

(Hmm? Come to think of it, …I kind of remember this…)

Although the strange familiarity is worrying, I still continued the battle.

I’m a gamer, after all. I can counter the boss’s attack in an action RPG after seeing it once.

So, even though I’m still hit pretty badly, my evasion is slowly improving. It’s finally here. I’ll win if I can keep up the attacks- at that moment.

A bad feeling flashed in my brain,

(Ah, hmm? I have a bad feeling, …but this is the first time I’m fighting this boss.)

It looks like the answer is inside my memories. However, I can’t piece anything together, no matter how much I think about it.

I scrambled my brain as I continued fighting. …Then, I suddenly noticed it.

(Ah, hey, …isn’t this the memory from the previous game?)

I felt like I’m a step closer to the crux of the problem.

Indeed, I…played the previous version around 9 months ago.

That name is- < Dream Tale Aigis VIII >. [Read Vol.1 Ch.3 and Vol.5 Ch.2 if you forgot what game this is.]


Just as I’m lost in thoughts, the tree giant started burning with very little HP left.

I can’t really deal with this unexpected situation.

(S-Should I flee for now? O-Or should I just attack him before he does something? Ah, there’s no time to hesitate-)

I have to make up my mind now, no matter which side I choose. However-

“-Kill it!”

-I can hear someone at this moment.

At the next second, I started an all-out attack on the boss.

“Go! Go! Go! Go!”


Someone kept cheering next to me. I pressed the attack button furiously and let out a storm. Then, when the tree giant started flashing, which means that he’s about to release the power-


-The boss’s HP is reduced to 0.

After a moment of silence, the tree started disintegrating into ashes.

Then, when the completion screen appeared- I couldn\'t help but stand up.

Then, I looked at him, who appeared next to me from nowhere. I can’t help but say.

“That’s great!”

His right hand clapped with my left one.


Then, after I snapped out of it, we’re now holding each other’s hands…and smiling.

That’s- a too-perfect recreation of the day we met each other.

I looked at him a bit mischievously. My mouth curled up and asked him, just like that day.

“Hey, can I ask who you are?”

Facing my question, he…answered with a slightly embarrassed smile.

“I’m a lonely gamer like you.”


“Seriously, I’ve already failed the moment I chose this place. It’s far and cold…”

Keita bitterly smiled and sat next to me like usual.

I grabbed the school bag I used as a cushion. Then, I put my console and stuff inside it as I answered.

“That’s how you feel too. Well, why did you pick here?”

“Uh, well, that’s because-“

Keita scratched his cheeks a bit embarrassedly. I immediately realized the meaning. My cheeks are flaring up too.

Indeed, the reason is unquestionable. It’s because this is our memorial-

“Of course, this is where the rare boss appeared in < GOM >!”

“Give me back my feelings!”

I didn’t expect him to answer the boss’s location of the mobile game.

Keita’s already playing on his phone after I complained. T-This gaming otaku, in times like this…!

For some reason, my nervousness vanished in an instant. I sighed and sat next to Keita.

Glancing at him, …he’s still passionate about games like a child.

“Ah, Chiaki- no, Mono should play too? < GOM >. Even though I don’t think you know it, this score is super amazing right now.”

“Alright, alright…”

His passion cheered me. So, I took out my phone and opened < GOM >. After that, I confirmed the location and, indeed…

“Yeah, this is…a super good hidden spot! Isn’t this the best counter to that raiding battle boss!?”

“Right? I know Mono must understand!”

“Yeah! This is useful! Thank you, Tsucchi.”

“We’re just helping each other out, Mono.”

So, both of us clicked on the phone excitedly. …Seriously, I have no idea why we visited a snowy mountain in winter during White Day. However, for some reason, my chest feels much warmer than when I just got here.

So, after around 3 minutes, we finished what we had to do here. Both of us smiled and put our phones back as we looked up. The night sky is really quiet and beautiful.

Unlike last time, now’s not the time that you can see a sky filled with stars. However, there’s a red-purple gradient view across the top. It’s like a fantasy.


The scarcely sparkling stars reminded me of the memory during mid-October.

The beautiful sunset made me remember the kiss in < Twilight Platform >.

(…Yeah, this is indeed the best place.)

Although I complained to Keita about it, I wasn’t talking about White Day. Instead-

-It’s the place where I ended my youth.

I clenched my fists on my lap as I slowly prepared myself.

During this time, Keita finally started talking.

“Then, well, first of all, …here’s your present for White Day.”

“Oh, sure. Thank…you?”

I received the present from Keita calmly. However, my eyes can’t stop blinking.

“Hey, …is this a…letter?”

“Uh, well, yeah. Think about it, …Chiaki also wrote me a letter on Valentine’s Day, right?”


I didn’t have the courage to give him chocolate. So, I just took a step back and sent him a hastily-written letter. It wasn’t meant to be a present.

Keita’s expression turned stiff. Perhaps it’s because my thoughts are all written on my face.

“Ah, hey, am I making you embarrassed? Do you hate me?”

“Eh? Of course not! It’s impossible! It’s more like…”

I looked at the letter from Keita and took a breath.

“Well, …I’m really happy. This letter is filled with Keita’s feelings…”


I can’t help but hug the letter on my chest tightly. What I just said is pure feedback. My heart can’t stop pounding when I face something tangible that’s full of Keita’s feelings for me.

I felt the beating of my heart as I quickly opened the letter-

“Ah, wait!”

-Keita stopped me just as I’m about to see the content.

He scratched his cheeks a bit embarrassedly.

“U-Uh, …I hope that you can read it at home instead of here. This feels…super embarrassing…”

“…I see. I got you.”

I made up my mind after seeing Keita’s look. He sighed in relief.

“Very well. So-“

“Well, well, well, let’s read it now!”


Keita couldn’t hide his confusion after seeing my anxious look. But that can’t be helped. After all, …it’s an item that’ll make Keita feel embarrassed. How can I not confirm it now!?

I slapped Keita’s hand and took the letter out. …Let me confirm this incredibly bittersweet content as soon as possible! After that, I realized what’s written inside-

< Feedback for NOBE’s game! By Tsucchi! >



I can’t help but stand up furiously. My hand is about to throw the letter away. Keita’s trying his best to stop me.

I turned to him with teary eyes and started complaining angrily!

“What does this mean, Keita!?”

“Eh, you’re asking me that. …Uh, it’s like from a Famitsu editor’s perspective?”

“Why is your White Day present a letter from a Famitsu editor!? There should be something else on the letter, right!?”

“Eh? …Ah, information for new releases?”

“You’re really a Famitsu editor, aren’t you!? I don’t want to hear about how an editor feels! No! I’m saying…your boiling passion for me, …for example!”

“Eh? Isn’t this my boiling passion for NOBE?”

“No! …Ah, sheesh!”

My brain overheated from anger. So, I gave up and sat on the bench before starting to read.

Keita was still twisting around embarrassedly at the start. He’s annoying. Yet, …his disruption didn’t last long.

It’s because…

“T-This is…really everything I made…”

“Hmm? Of course? I wrote that because of this.”

Keita’s showing me a “why are you talking about this at this point” face. But, …there’s clearly something unusual here.

I turned the paper to Keita and asked again.

“Eh, it’s because…you wrote more than 20 pages for each of my games. This…”

“Ah, …hmm, sorry, honestly, I already deleted a bunch of content. There’s a lot I want to say when it comes to NOBE’s work…”


I flipped each page with a surprised face. …It’s just like what Keita said. It’s filled with detailed feedback for all of my games. Also…

“All of them…are praising me.”

After hearing that, Keita started laughing awkwardly. “Ahaha…”

“Even though I say it’s feedback, …I’m basically a big fan of NOBE’s games. I even treated the imperfections as attractive points. So, once I have to write it…”

“…I see.”

I smiled again. …What Keita just said should be half-true, right. I know my games are riddled with bugs and errors. However, …this person, Tsucchi, knows.

He knows I’m the type that likes making games “happily” rather than making them for achievement.

That’s why he gave up on using the words that’ll make me upset. He handed a letter filled with praises and cheers as a gift for me, right.


This boy still hasn’t changed. He’s very clumsy, …yet he’s always considerate to me.

I flipped over the pages and said what I noticed.

“Keita, …you played everything again to write this?”

“Ugh, …you saw it? Uh, well, even though I’m a fan, I can’t remember all the details. So, I took the opportunity to replay everything. …Yeah.”

“…I see.”

“I-I’m sorry…”

For some reason, Keita looked quite apologetic. However, my heart is slowly filled with appreciation. It’s because it took him at least 100 hours to beat all of my games. This person, …I bet he started doing it after taking my chocolate last month, right.

All that- for a letter to me as a present.

I continued reading the comments. The final page is tilted < Chiaki Hoshinomori >. At this moment, Keita seriously stopped me from reading it.

“Uh, that’s really…”

“Alright, alright, I know it. I\'m even a bit embarrassed about it too.”

“I-I guess so.”


Both of us plopped our heads down. …Honestly, I peeked for a moment. The text under < Chiaki Hoshinomori > is also filled with praises too.

In other words, after I opened it, …it’s a present that’s even more perfect than I looked forward to.

However, that’s why-

(Yes- this must be Keita’s resolve, right…)

-Right here, he’s giving me everything, including myself.

Well, in other words, …we’re…already…

I can’t help but lower my head. Keita is perhaps reminded of something after seeing my look. …He added on a bit hastily.

“Ah, well, it’s too little if I just give you a letter, no matter what. I still prepared something! This is for you!”


Actually, I’m not disappointed. …It’s more like things like prices or my chocolate are nothing compared to this letter filled with feelings and effort…

However, Keita seems to think that I’m very disappointed with the letter. He searched and grabbed something new from his schoolbag again. Ah, this boy is still the same. Instead of saying he’s dense, it’s more he’s not confident. …Well, but I’m not in a position to say this too.

By the way, what else does he have for me?

From Keita’s perspective, it seems that this is more important than the letter. However, something that can send more feelings than that letter shouldn’t exist-

-During this time, the long-awaited love detective, Chiaki Hoshinomori, is here!


I realized that was the only possibility. My body can’t help but tremble.

There’s nothing else. It’s the only one.

Something that’s more special and contains more feelings than that letter.

That object is famous for its immense feelings in the world of love. You can even call it the ultimate item.

Isn’t there something like this in the world!?

“…Ah, I found it.”

Keita took that out of the school bag. …I can feel my heart’s pounding. I held my breath and looked forward to it.

Indeed- that’s a gift that can send an overwhelming amount of love compared to that letter.

That would be, …yes, its name is < Ring >.

“Look, a classic dinosaur-hunting game!”


I stood up abruptly and screamed. Keita bulged his eyes at me.

“Uwah!? Chiaki, why did you suddenly let out a strange noise!? Woah, all the birds in the mountain are flying!? Hey, you’re amazing! Damn! It’s literally a miracle!”


“It does matter! I’ll get a million views if I upload this!”

Keita ignored my protesting voice straight out of hell. He’s still being his usual dense idiot. …Sheesh.

“That’s enough…”

I said that and walked to the railing of the platform.


I put my hands on the railing covered with snow. …Actually, I wasn’t angry at Keita’s purity. It’s just that…

(Well, …right. There’s no way…I’ll have a ring.)

The “future” that I yearned for a moment now feels incredibly empty.

At this point, Keita came next to me. He enjoyed the view with me and said,

“…Hey, Chiaki? I’m not joking…”

“Alright, I know. I’m sorry for having weird expectations.”

“Weird expectations?”

“F-Forget about it. Anyway, …why did you give me that game? Also, it’s the previous version for mobile phones.”

“Ah, yes. …Think about it, …we were both still friendless when this game was at its peak, right.”

“Hmm, …I guess so. …Hey, what’s with the sudden black history?”

I didn’t understand what he meant and glared at him. Keita continued a bit hastily, “Ah, but-“

“Right now, …we have, right?”

“What? We have?”

I still didn’t understand what he meant. Keita mumbled embarrassedly. “That is…”

“I have Chiaki. Chiaki has me. We have each other.”


I can’t help but bulge my eyes after hearing that.


Just as I’m swept by the tsunami of feelings in my heart, Keita continued.

“So, …I want to play this game with Chiaki together.”

“Keita, …that, …in other words…”

I slowly turned to Keita.

The miraculous sunset view has already vanished.


Keita’s facing me directly.

His eyes…are filled with determination.

Then, he took a deep breath to ease the tension.

Finally, he said it-

-The sentence that ends and begins everything. The boy said it out wholeheartedly.

“Chiaki, please-“

Karen Tendou

“This is too late, right.”

After the club was over, I quickly dashed from the old school building to the corridor. At the same time, I mumbled to myself.

The sun is already setting. It’s around 7 PM right now. The usual club activity ends at 6. It’s a bit unusual today. However, this is the only day that it can’t be helped. It’s because…

“This is the last time that the senpais are here.”

Indeed, today’s not just White Day. At the same time, it’s also the last day that Kase-senpai and Nina-senpai are in the Game Club as a student.

I can’t help but sigh.

“Well, the graduation ceremony is just two days later. I do really appreciate them for showing up every day for 3 years…”

Even so, excluding the ghost members, two of the four members in the Game Club are about to quit. It’s hard to not feel lonely as the president.

“Ah, I’ll have to recruit members again…”

I remembered what happened a year ago. A different sense of melancholy appeared on my face. I already spent a lot of effort on recruiting the senpais and the two ghost members. Aside from that…

“…Ah, sheesh, once it’s about Amano-kun, I…!”

Waves of regret flushed over my cheeks to the point that it’s about to catch on fire every time I think about that.

“Uwah, it’s embarrassing no matter how many times I think about it…!”

I always put myself in a higher position when I’m interacting with Amano-kun. I’ve always despised his favorite games. In the end, I turned into a blonde loser then ran out crying.

I’m saying that I’m such an arrogant yet untalented girl.


This must be the so-called black history. Compared to such experiences, a notebook filled with chunni quotes is a very adorable memory.

To me, all of the things that make me embarrassed are all in someone else’s hands. …Also, it has to be the boy that I love the most. How bitter and embarrassing this can be!?

“…Seriously, I should build a time machine.”

I mumbled something that doesn’t sound serious at all.

However, I immediately sighed deeply and stood up. Then, I continued to the destination- the place where I promised Amano-kun.


No one’s inside the slightly dark school building. It’s incredibly quiet. It’s because the Game Club is just ahead. Although I don’t want to think about it, I can’t help but get more depressed.

So, after I’m at the entrance, I looked at the shoe lockers of my class-


-I looked at Chiaki-san’s locker and sighed.

(At this time, Amano-kun and Chiaki-san…)

The worries that I’ve hidden in my heart today finally surfaced.

I can’t help but close my eyes tightly. At the same time, I clenched my uniform tightly.

(No, that’s just simply because of the time. I still had to join the last Game Club activity of this year. That’s why Amano-kun went to meet Chiaki-san first. There’s no other…meaning…to this…)

I still sighed again after thinking about that.

Love always gives you lemons.

Of course, I don’t regret falling in love with Amano-kun at all. However, …if you’re asking me whether I’m truly happy, I can’t answer.

It’s the same for games.

You have to put time and effort into it if you wish to win. But that’s actually distancing yourself from the “entertainment” part.

Of course, it’s fun to put in the time and effort too. However, …there are times that it won’t result in fruition. It’s impossible to not regret it, no matter how many comforts you received. The more hearts and souls you’ve put into it, the more upsetting it gets. It’s helpless.

However, …even though I don’t want to admit it, well…

“Huh, …the black history isn’t just inviting him to the club.”

The wrong choices I’ve made this year appeared in my weakened soul one by one.

The Karen Tendou that upset Amano-kun on our first date.

The Karen Tendou that always suspected his relationship with Aguri-san.

The Karen Tendou that couldn’t answer Amano-kun’s sincere confession brilliantly.

The Karen Tendou that didn’t get closer to him despite leading him to my room.

Finally, the Karen Tendou that broke up with him at the worst possible time in the school trip.

The Karen Tendou that lowered her guard and let Chiaki-san took away her lover’s lips.

Then, …the Karen Tendou that gave her the decisive blow in a fight deciding Amano-kun’s ownership.



Also, the Karen Tendou that’s wrapping her hands around her head in the entrance. If this continues, my MP will reach 0 before I can get to the destination.

After all, the “conclusion” is imminent. My emotions are starting to destabilize.


(Yeah, that’s why he met Chiaki-san first, right…!?)

…I started interpreting it negatively again.

(They said they were visiting their memorial place, < Starry Plaza > when I asked them. This is already…already…!)

Also, compared to that, the place where Amano-kun meets me is just a normal school. …The difference in romance is too large. It’s too much. Hey, God. …Uh, well, even though Amano-kun chose that place.

A sense of defeat made me tremble. I’m a person that really hates losing. However, I’ve never been this terrified of failure.

It’s like the world is about to end.

If the Karen Tendou a year ago saw this, I bet she’ll say something along the lines of, “Ha, love is just being over-dramatic…” She’ll despise me. In reality, this is still how I think now.

Even if my love is shattered, it’s not the end of everything. Nothing will change.

It’s like seeing a game you want has sold out. It won’t affect your life.

Even if my love ends in failure, …I’ve always lived alone, anyway.

Karen Tendou is a girl that can live beautifully even when alone.’

So, …so, I can’t overestimate the happiness when Chiaki-san can be together with Amano-kun since they match each other so much.

That’s why I broke up with him and brought everyone back to the starting line. I wanted to find a path where everyone can be truly happy. After that…

After that…


I should be thinking about this calmly with the logical part of my brain.

However, …suddenly, a stroke of tears dripped down my left cheeks.

I quickly wiped it with the back of my hand. Strangely, tears are only dripping from my left eye.

“…Haha. I’m just playing too many games. It’s nothing.”

I said this jokingly and cheered myself up.

Perhaps it’s because I cried. The depression toned down for a bit.

Simultaneously, I found the delicateness that made me cry a couple seconds ago all that more repulsive. How did Karen Tendou turn into this miserable state? It’s just because I keep overthinking every day that I\'m with Amano-kun.



This- is different from me messing up when I was inviting Amano-kun.

The memories of this love, …including everything, will never be in the “embarrassing section” of my brain. That’s the one thing I’m sure of. So…

“…Isn’t that already enough?”

I mumbled to myself and took a step forward once more with a refreshed mind.

I’m here to complete my promise with Amano-kun.

The destination is- the 2F classroom he’s in.


“Excuse me.”

Although almost all students have gone home, I still made a greeting, just in case. I opened the door of the 2F classroom.

Then, unexpectedly, someone answered from the seat near the window.

“Here, Tendou-san.”



I took a good look. Amano-kun’s smile is brightened by the stars in the lightless classroom.

I can’t help but reach my hand to the light switch. Amano-kun quickly stopped me.

“It’s better to keep the lights off, Tendou-san.”

“Hmm? Why?”

“Well, …think about it, it’s already this time.”


I immediately understood. In reality, the old school building is used for club activities. The teachers won’t get mad at you even if you’re still in the clubroom at 7.

Especially for the classrooms that no one’s using, as long as it’s not the school festival. Teachers will get mad if you turn on the lights. Although they don’t really care since it’s near the graduation ceremony now, let’s keep it quiet.

I accepted Amano-kun’s advice and walked into the dark classroom.

Luckily, the moon and the stars are pretty bright tonight. There’s no pressure.

I stood next to Amano-kun and looked at the sky filled with stars.

“It’s beautiful…”

“Yeah, it’s just like the mountains. I can see it clearly here too.”

“The mountains…”

After I repeated what he said, Amano-kun raised his head on the seat and looked at me worriedly.

“Well, as I’ve said before, I met with Chiaki first today and gave her the present for White Day. The < Starry Plaza >…”

“Yeah, …I know. Is it good?”

“Hmm, well, …the sunset is pretty incredible.”



The conversation ended awkwardly. …I’m such a hateful woman. I pretend to have a big heart, …yet it’s incredibly narrow inside. My chest is about to rip from pain once I imagine Amano-kun being happy with other girls.

I looked at the starry sky again and changed the topic a bit forcefully.

“It’s the last day for senpais to be in the club.”

“Yeah, I heard that from you. …Kase-senpai and Oiso-senpai are finally graduating. …It must be lonely for you.”

“Yeah. By the way, the Game Club’s membership is in the danger zone.”

“Eh!? Really!? Ah, well, uh…”

Amano-kun is lost in thoughts. Looking at him, I can’t help but smile bitterly.

(…Sheesh, you’re not our member. Even more, you rejected my invitation fiercely. Yet, …you’re showing that face.)

You’re just a sly boy. You’re only interested in playing games in your own style. …Even though you’re such a twisted person, you can still throw your beliefs away for other people immediately. That’s why I’m always moved by you. That’s why I fell in love with you…

“…Tendou-san? What’s wrong?”

Amano-kun noticed that I was looking at him and asked. Looking at him- I remembered something. After that, I got really close to him a bit forcefully.

I showed a business-like smile that’ll leave a good impression in other’s hearts. …Then, I begged him with a coquettish tone.

“Amano-kun, you should still come to my club, alright? Please? I’m very interested in you.”

“Eh? Uh, well- I mean, that’s…”

For a moment, Amano-kun showed confusion, but he immediately realized it. …Those are the lines when I invited him to the club back in spring. He squinted his eyes a bit nostalgically. After that, he answered determinedly.

“N-No, thanks. There aren’t any games I want to play in the Game Club.”

That’s a new way of putting what he said before. Upon hearing that, I showed a clearly dissatisfied look and frowned.

“I’m okay if you think that’s for the best. Amano-kun can’t help us at all, anyway.”

“I guess so. But, I sincerely think that Tendou-san is a talented person. It makes people want to cheer for you in secret. You should keep it up too.”

“…Okay, yeah!”

We recreated that invitation calmly.

Both of us can’t help but laugh.

“Ahaha, …Amano-kun, your acting is unexpectedly good.”

“Tendou-san’s the same. You remembered all of the lines, right? I had to try my best to keep up…”

“It’s the same for me. Well, but, in a way, perhaps you ruminate more.”

I’m talking about the overwhelming regret of my black history.

I cleared my throat and changed the subject. “By the way…”

“Whether it’s then or now, you keep saying that I’m talented. Honestly, …what is your definition of talent?”

“Eh? What’s with this utterly annoying question? …Well, even though it fits Tendou-san.”

“What do you mean by that? What fits me?”

“Alright, sorry. Let’s move on.”


If I had to say how Amano-kun has changed, he’s a lot better at dealing with me now. Even though I’m the one that keeps getting pranked, …sheesh.

“…Tendou-san? Are you not happy? Are you mad at me?”

“…I’m not happy.”

“You’re finally telling the truth. …I feel like…Tendou-san’s being smart…is perhaps a disaster. You’ll always achieve your own conclusion and can’t control your emotions.”


He’s on the point again. Damn, …ah, stop being so arrogant. You’re just Amano-kun. I can predict Amano-kun if I want to, …want to…

…Very well.

“Amano-kun. Then, please provide a sincerely convincing definition of ‘talent’ for me!”


“Hey, why did you suddenly raise the bar that high!? T-Tendou-san!?”

Amano-kun started trembling after hearing my declaration. …Very well, I’m in control now! Even though it’s a bit different than I expected.

Well, either way, I put up an exciting pose to hear Amano-kun’s “talent” talk. As for him, he moaned while struggling to come up with an answer. …After that, he took a huge sigh.

“Well, …honestly, I don’t have a definition of talent. I can only give you an ordinary answer.”

“…I’m very disappointed in you, Amano-kun.”

“Ah! It’s been a long time. This is Tendou-san’s cold and terrifying gaze! Ouch! But aren’t you too unreasonable!? Tendou-san’s the one to look forward to it, right!?”

“Ha? Can’t you give me a definition that makes hearts appear in my eyes? Karen Tendou has always looked forward to Keita Amano like this.”

“You’re giving me too much stress, Karen Tendou! Ugh, …but there’s really nothing I can do about my lack of experience. I’m not a talented person, and I don’t have experience of being defeated by talents. Well, I guess the battle with Main-san counts…”

Amano-kun looks a bit deflated. I looked at him and showed a bitter smile.

“Sorry, I said something weird. However, the word ‘talent’ has always accompanied me. So, I want to hear everyone’s definition of talent.

“I see. …Well, I do want to help you out.”

Amano-kun said that and moaned gently again. …He’s indeed a weird person. On the surface, he looks uninterested in other people. …However, he’s more interested than everyone else.

So, my chest is also satisfied by looking at Amano-kun’s expression alone. During this time, unexpectedly, Amano-kun seems to have thought of something. “Ah, right.”

He looked into my eyes and spoke up a bit unconfidently.

“I don’t really have any philosophical definition of talent. …But, I do have something inside my heart when I say the word.”

“Ha, inside your heart? What is it?”

“Well, that would be…”

Amano-kun smiled. He has always been like this. …Then, he spoke up with warmth.

“I won’t say the word ‘talent’ to deny someone’s effort.”


I can’t help but bulge my eyes after hearing that. However, …Amano-kun didn’t notice my reaction and continued his explanation a bit embarrassedly.

“Ah, well, ‘You’re really talented!’ This sentence alone is a simple praise and doesn’t do any harm. It would be great if the appreciated person can accept it. However, if it’s ‘Tck, that guy already does pretty well on his own, after all.’ I will never say the word ‘talent’ with this meaning. I already made up my mind about it.”

“Why…is that?”

“Eh? Why? Isn’t that obvious?”

Then, he looked at my eyes determinedly and said it out clearly.

“It’s because I’ve been watching Tendou-san’s life this year.”


His words made me blush again. In this sense, he indeed didn’t meet my expectations.

No, it’s not just that-

“…Tendou-san? W-What’s wrong? You’re suddenly lowering your head…”

“…Shut up.”

-Just like that, my tears won’t stop falling. …There’s a limit to being unexpected.

Ah, sheesh, so annoying! That’s why I hate Keita Amano as a person. I hate him the most. From the moment we met, I’ve always, always, always, always, always…hated him.


After that, even Amano-kun seems to have realized something’s wrong with me. I think he realized I’m trying to hide my tears away. He slowly pulled his chair and stood up.

Then, he looked to the sky outside the window.

“For me, …actually, in the beginning, while I’ve always admired Tendou-san, …I hate you as well. …I’m very bad at dealing with you.”


“It’s because isn’t this true? I’m…always miserable whenever it involves you.”

That’s what I want to say as well. …I would’ve said it if it weren’t for my tears.

However, my throat is struck down by the violent wave of emotions rising from my chest. It’s like I lost my ability to express myself.

Seeing me unable to retort, Amano-kun stood in front of me and continued his speech.

“Even when we’re together, you just make me even more aware of myself instead of making me feel relieved. Especially after we started dating, your expectation of me keeps rising. …This is just a joke, but my relationship with Tendou-san has more pain than happiness.”

That’s what I want to say too! I screamed desperately in my heart. However, I can’t say it out loud, no matter what.

As for Amano-kun, …he still continued cold heartedly.

“Instead, I feel really relaxed and cheerful whenever I’m with Uehara-kun and Aguri-san. Also, it’s not just that-“

At this point, Amano-kun’s face is filled with bitterness for a moment. …However, he immediately showed a determined expression and said the most important thing.

“-I’m really relieved whenever I’m with Chiaki.”



This is what Amano-kun sincerely thinks. He has hidden it until now. Finally, he said it out loud.

My chest feels so painful that I can’t breathe.

I’m upset. I really want to run away. I don’t want to hear it anymore. I want to pretend none of this has happened.

However, this is something I said first- we have to give each other an ending.

So, I, …Karen Tendou, have to listen until the last moment. That’s the least I can do. But, that’s why…


I wiped my tears and leaned forward. I prepared myself for what’s about to come. I’ll accept any outcome.

Then, I faced Amano-kun’s eyes again.

His eyes are filled with incredible sadness- It’s not just that. He’s also filled with an overwhelming sense of determination. I felt dazed.

At this moment, I understood.

(…I guess this is it.)

I can’t help but look up to the sky over the window.

…My vision is getting blurry. The atmosphere in winter feels very cold.

Countless stars are blinking as if they are seeing an ending to a relationship.

Keita Amano

I, Keita Amano, have prepared three things for White Day.

Two of them are for Chiaki, one of them is for Tendou-san.

I spent around a month preparing Chiaki’s present. It’s a letter filled with my feelings and a game I bought after considering what we experienced.

In other words, I spent a lot of time and effort preparing those two gifts.

In comparison, the present I have for Tendou-san- is nothing out of the ordinary.

That’s something I already have. So, I don’t need to take any time thinking about it, not to mention effort.

It’s just that I have to take that from my home.

The next is about where I’m handing out the presents.

One is the best spot where you’ll have to take the bus to arrive.

The other one…is an ordinary and common classroom. Also, you can’t turn on the lights due to the time. It’s an even worse environment than a typical classroom.

Moreover, the priorities are pretty brutal as well.

I satisfied Chiaki first before coming to Tendou-san for the remaining time.

…At this point, my answer is already clear to Tendou-san.

Also, I’m facing Tendou-san, who’s trying to keep the White Day promise, even though her eyes are already filled with heartbreaking tears.

The lights from the stars are shining into the window. …I said.

“…Tendou-san, perhaps you know this already. …Just then, I-“

I can’t help but hesitate for a moment. However, I suppressed my cowardness down- and looked at Tendou-san’s eyes with sincerity.

“-I confessed to Chiaki.”

“…! …I see.”

Tendou-san’s pupils are shaking violently. She hugged herself as if to prevent herself from trembling.

…Right now, I’m about to be surrounded by regret and pain.

Even so, I still moved forward without any hesitation. I’m not running away.

“Chiaki…accepted it as well.”


“…Yes, …it’s great.”

What the hell is great right now? Both of us are saying energetic words like “great” under the starry sky. Yet, you can’t feel happiness from both of our faces.

We looked at each other’s heartbreaking expressions. Then, I thought about how I should say the following words.

“…Hey, Tendou-san.”


“As I’ve said before, …things aren’t calm at all when we’re together.”


“Whether it’s with Uehara-kun, Aguri-san, …Konoha-san, Kousei, Main-san, or even Chiaki, they are all different. Our time spent together is anything but calm.”


“So, in other words-“

At this point, I finally- smiled.

I faced Tendou-san and said what I truly thought.

“-To me, that\'s proof that you’re more special to me than anyone else.”


Tendou-san’s eyes are filled with tears once again.

I reached my hand into my jacket’s pocket. Then, I took out the present- that I’ve decided to give to Tendou-san since the start.

However, I still clenched my right hand tightly to not let her see what’s inside. …I continued.

“I said I confessed to Chiaki before, right?”


“…The actual content of the confession is, well, … a bit hard to explain to Tendou-san…”


Tendou-san didn’t say anything. She just clenched her arms tightly.

I said this to her- with an embarrassed smile.

“I told her- the ‘confession I failed to make’ on that day.”

“Eh…? That…day?”

“Yes, that day. The day where all of us are involved- that summer last year where we confessed wrongly. It’s the day I first met Chiaki.”

“Ah, …eh? But, the failed confession that Amano-kun is talking about, …that would be- to become friends…”

Tendou-san seems to have noticed something and bulged her eyes suddenly.

After that, I can see her eyes are slowly turning wet.

I reached out my right hand containing the present and continued.

“Now, even though I know this is utterly boring and ordinary, I still-“

I opened my hand and revealed the present.

“-I’m not making the confession I failed to make on that day. Instead, I’m repeating the confession I made to you.”

So, the present is revealed in my palm.

Of course, that’s something I’ve always wanted to give her – the proof that we’re lovers: Labears.

“Ah, …ah…”

Tendou-san took the Labears. Her tears won’t stop coming out of her eyes.

It looks like my sincerity has already reached her.

However, I still have to differentiate her from other people.

This person crying in front of me- is my most beloved girl.

“Tendou-san, please-“

This time, it’s not a misunderstanding or an impulse at all.

Instead, I confessed to her properly, clearly, and determinedly.

“Please go out with me.”

To my confession, Tendou-san-

(Please be “friends” with me, Chiaki.)

She showed the same teary smile as Chiaki after I confessed to her at < Starry Plaza >.

Also, even her answer is the same as Chiaki’s-


-Her eyes are filled with sparkles of happiness and determination as if she’s answering Chiaki’s tears.


Under the starry sky and the silent night-

She- no, them.

Although they are about to break into tears due to the pain, the two girls answered my confession with an incredibly cheerful smile.

“Sure, I would love to.”

[End of Vol.11]

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