The Golden Throne

Chapter 87 - A Phoenix

"Yes. I didn\'t think that a human would recognize me. Well, it seems like there are a few who believe all mythic lore. It truly is a wonder how humans have lost all the annals of history, and the elves continue to ignore them. You two are quite interesting though. One of you has the contract of the queen of wind, and one of them I can\'t even see? What a very fascinating subject. I can feel fire on you, I have that sense very well, but I just can\'t place you anywhere. Why can\'t I see your soul, human? Have you sold it to the devil? It looks like there is a first for everything.", Liu Feng heard a voice in his ears. He could not gauge where it was coming from, and it seemed that the source was right next to his ears.

Liu Feng wanted to run, but he knew that there was absolutely no way that he could outrun the phoenix. He had to make sure that Amelia was going to survive as well. He stared down at the shadow that enveloped them. It was just like the stories he read back when he was a child, but in his other world. The shadow showed a bird like figure, but not even close in scale. The shadow itself was huge, but Liu Feng could not estimate how big it was without actually seeing it. He couldn\'t though, because he did not have the energy to lift his head. Some force was stopping him.

"Urgh, what do I do now? Come on.. the spirits are very conveniently not helping in the slightest right now.", he thought to himself, but he could not even move, let alone try anything funny.

"I see that you have the smell of dragons on you, boy. That\'s interesting. I remember dragons as a prideful bunch. Why would they associate with a normal human? You have the contract of the King of Fire?"

"Indeed. ", Liu Feng replied, feeling that he had an out there. His control of his mouth had returned all of a sudden, as if the phoenix intended him only to use that to answer it\'s questions.

"Well, right now, I want to kill you so badly, just to clear my head, but it seems like I have bigger matters to attend to. You are lucky kids, to see a phoenix and live to tell the tale. First in a thousand years, in fact. I never thought that after the demon war, I would ever see this thankless bunch again. Well, I can\'t possibly kill a contractor of a king at this desperate time, though I wonder why Pyrus had chosen so poorly. Enjoy life with a new lease, human, for it is no longer rightful yours.", Liu Feng heard.

The phoenix flew away. Liu Feng could see the shadow that covered them was moving away, but he could still not see the phoenix\'s body.

"That tricky thing, it seems like it doesn\'t even want me to look at it. Wait, what about Amelia, how is she? Did she hear what I just said? That I was a contractor of the king of fire himself.", he thought to himself. After sometime, he finally regained control over his body. He turned to see Amelia.

But, to his dismay, Amelia collapsed from the pressure. Liu Feng looked back up with a sense of worry. He could feel a demonic energy on the phoenix, and he knew that if even the mythical beasts were on the demon\'s side, then it was going to be an uphill battle.

"God damn it. why the hell did I have to get reborn into a fantasy world and then get kicked into a war almost immediately? God must be toying with me.", Liu Feng sighed with confusion.

Amelia woke up after a while, and she saw that she was lying on the ground, with a blanket covered over her. Liu Feng had covered her up, because for some reason, she was trembling. Even though the day was not even close to ending, Amelia was shivering, and that confused Liu Feng. The phoenix was a beast of fire after all, so how could it cause someone to shiver with cold?

"What happened? I heard a voice, but I couldn\'t move my body. You said there was a phoenix, but that was all. I saw black after that.", Amelia looked at Liu Feng and asked him. She looked around apprehensively, as if there was someone who was going to attack them.

"Don\'t worry about it. Let\'s go back to human civilization. We need to get back as soon as possible. Maybe I need to tell your parents and mine that we are fine.", Liu Feng consoled her.

"No! Don\'t. If they know that we are fine, they will send many people to the forests and there will be many casualties. Let us get out by ourselves.", Amelia said with concern.

"Quite the angel, are you. Fine. Whatever you want. It does not make a difference to me.", Liu Feng waved his hand, as they looked around.

Liu Feng and Amelia continued along the forest, and they were slowly getting to the edge, according to Liu Feng. By his estimation, they were closing onto an exit that was supposed to be quite close to the academy. But, the climate was not helping them in the slightest. The temperature was slowly decreasing, and the sky was getting darker, even though it was clearly still daytime. The clouds were getting darker, but there was no sign of rain falling. Liu Feng unsheathed his sword by now, and he had goosebumps all over his arms. They suddenly entered a misty area. Liu Feng continued forward, because there was now way that they could turn back now. They had come too far. They had to go back to the phoenix\'s territory, and Liu Feng did not want to take the risk.

They went forward, and then went uphill, to get a better view of what was going on. He told Amelia to wait, and he went to the highest peak. He looked down on the mist. Now, things seemed a little clearer, but the situation on the ground was far from good.

There were camps on the ground with the Glade flag, and there weren\'t any humans in the camp. There were multiple monsters in the camp, and what Liu Feng assumed were demons. He could feel a detestable aura from the camp. The camp itself was full of tents, but there was this haze of black that was surrounding the most central ones.

"RUN.", Liu Feng could hear Zues\' voice in his head. He turned around in shock. If the king of the spirits himself was speaking, then the situation was quite dire. He went back down, but saw a scene that had brought his heart out to his throat. Amelia was screaming in fright as she was barely fending of a huge monster. This was not a monster like the monsters from the magical forest. This was different. It was dark all over, and it\'s eyes were red. Amelia was cornered by a demon, not a monster. Liu Feng looked at this with worry, and he readied hiss sword. He swung the great sword at the demon, but the demon who was looking at Amelia till now, just smiled. Liu Feng could make it out. It was definitely a smile. The demon was taunting Liu Feng. The demon just turned his torso with ease, and raised his hand to face the great sword. The great sword had power, no doubt, but it had no where near the amount of strength to face a demon. The demon easily caught it.

The demon looked at the sword and started closing it\'s fist. But, the sword did not shatter, as the demon expected it to. Surprised, the demon threw the sword to the side. It was a two hundred pound sword, but the demon could wield it like it was ten. Liu Feng looked at the demon with fear and he retreated, as if he was trying to bait the demon away. Liu Feng took out a magic staff that he had prepared with a high quality magic crystal and wielded it. Gathering the mana in his chest, he hurled a fire ball at the demon. The demon just looked at the fire ball with curiosity, and made no attempt to even move. The fireball connected, and Liu Feng sighed with relief. But, before he even had the chance to relax, the smoke revealed the exact same silhouette, undamaged. Liu Feng looked at the demon with dismay. There was not even damage on the demon. The spell did nothing. Liu Feng just couldn\'t comprehend the fact that he could not even do damage to a demon. The demon snickered, and Liu Feng could hear it. It took one look at Liu Feng and then  left Liu Feng and attacked Amelia. Liu Feng saw this and his face changed.

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