Demonic Devourer's Development

Chapter 80 - Sacrifices Must Be Made

It was pretty simple to organise the meeting between Bishop and Rosha. It was much harder to sit in there, knowing that I would have to negotiate between the two. And with the two people being who they were, I was sure there would be something I would have to negotiate.

But at least Bishop\'s cookies and tea were great. Rosha approved, too.

"This is amazing. My younger sister bakes, too, and this is just as good as her work. Did you bake them yourself, Bishop?"

"Yes. A hobby of mine… It helps my mind to rest after a long day of working on texts. I glad you like it, Rosha."

For now, the conversation was pretty calm and nice, with just a slight undertone of unasked questions of "what are we doing here"? It was good to see that there was none of the instant dislike, at least.

"Yes, that\'s some great baking goods, but," Rosha threw me a side-eyed glance, "we didn\'t come there for cookies, did we, Voren?"

I swallowed the one I was chewing and shook my head. Time to answer the questions and see if anything would erupt. "No. Just wanted to introduce you guys to each other in full capacity. Bishop, Rosha here knows who I am and helps me with supplies and stuff. She owns an equipment shop in Glesk. Rosha, Bishop here, besides being a great baker, leads a cult of people who believe that I am their chosen one or something."

"Not our chosen, but the First God\'s. We just want to do our best to help you on His holy mission."

"The what?" Rosha goggled at Bishop, then at me. "You have a freaking cult, Voren?"

"And \'cult\' is a very derogatory word. We are a church—one that stands true against that of the Twelve and their destructiveness."

"Cult, church, whatever! Damn, you look like someone\'s grandfather, and you run a—"

"Church. Yes. It is, as I realised, my life\'s purpose, and now that Devourer had come to us in flesh, I\'m ecstatic to see the prophecies come to life before the end of my time in the mortal realm. Rosha, if you help our lord in his deeds, then it would be my honour to help you in that if I could." Bishop looked at me. "Which was, my lord, you goal, I presume."

"Yes, exactly. I will need information to defeat gods, equipment, resources… Money is always good, too." I waved my hand. "Whatever makes me stronger."

Bishop nodded. "I understand. I am afraid, though, that your followers don\'t have a lot to share at this moment, my lord. We are few, and most of us are simple citizens. There are some that could be of more worth to you, but they might be… not as loyal as others. Many of them were never expecting to ever have you come to us in flesh."

"I didn\'t come to them yet. But I will, if this will put fear and respect of me in their hearts." I showed my teeth. Since I took the mask off in Bishop\'s house (for Bishop\'s cookies), everyone could see them and have some fear, too. Or not, since they were normal human teeth… Visible through my lips, anyway.

I looked at silent Rosha, to see the calculative and thoughtful gleam in her eyes. She was accessing Bishop now. Finally, she said, "So you can say you know people around, Bishop?"

"Yes. As I always seek new people to bring truth to, I have to socialise a lot." He smiled. "There are many pleasant people in the city even amongst the blind ones."

"I\'m sure. Well, maybe we can help each other… But just saying, I won\'t join any cults, or churches."

"You already follow our lord, Rosha. I would be glad if you\'d join our ceremonies—it brings people together, and together we must be in the dark times that come—but if you don\'t want to, it\'s your choice. Still, I\'d like to tell you at least about where our beliefs, and church, started."

Rosha frowned. "That\'s actually… a good question. How did you even learnt about Voren before he got there from Hell? It was just recently, and he didn\'t even hear about Tinaris before I showed him on a map."

I just ate cookies and other sweets Bishop brought out, while he told her the same tale he told me yesterday. Just like me, Rosha was disbelieving at first, then thoughtful.

Then, Bishop had to hit her (and me) with, "Oh, and to honour and celebrate your appearance, my lord, I began to arrange a sacrifice ceremony. Do you have any preferences? Since they were a ritual, we usually settled with a lamb or a goat before, except for big dates. It would be hard to find and secure a good human sacrifice on a short notice without attracting attention, but if you wish… Of course, we all would be very grateful if you appear there personally."

"First, do you think I can appear there somehow else? Second, make it something big, the bigger the better. Cow, horse, what\'s there bigger than a horse?"

"An elephant, perhaps, my lord?"

"What\'s an elephant?" I frowned.

"It\'s an animal from North that\'s often used as a beast of burden. They are twice as huge as a horse, from what I read."

"Oh, that\'s be a good one," I nodded. "If you can get it. Then, I will be there."

"Great! How could I contact you to tell when it will happen?"

"I will be staying in an inn, what\'s it—Sleeping Fawn?"

"Fowl. Sleeping Fowl." Rosha said. "Damn, are you really going to take part in a sacrifice ritual for… yourself? This is just so messed up…" She shook her head. "And you sacrifice humans, too? What\'s even for?"

"There are reasons," Bishop said, smiling at Rosha with kindly condescension. "Nothing brings people together just like murder does. On a quest to save our world, sacrifices are necessary. Now, finally, they will bear fruits you can taste, my lord."

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