The Sage of Einar

Chapter 260 - Death On The Coast

When the Drakkars began to reach the coast, the soldiers and warriors who were on the towers and walls near the first landings.

They used their crossbows and started killing the Vikings from afar, due to the surprise factor, they were able to kill too many.

However, this only lasted for a short time, as the Vikings put their shields over their heads, covering most of the crossbow shots.

Although this was only a temporary solution because, unlike arrows, the crossbow bolts with steel tips pierced much of the wooden shield.

Causing numerous cases that the hands of the Vikings will be impaled on their own shields.

This began to annoy the Vikings, who began to run towards where the buildings were.

To their misfortune, with only a few steps forward, they were caught in the barbed wire that had been placed.

The feet of those Vikings that were scarcely protected with leather boots were at the mercy of the spikes of the barbed wire, which made them lose their balance.

Finishing on the ground where their bodies began to be torn by the barbed wire that was there.

No matter how hard they tried to stop or move, they could not. These scenes were repeated along the coast, so while ships reached the coast or the docks.

They preferred not to advance, so the shower of crossbow bolts continued and showed no sign of being able to stop.

Einar, who was tying on one of the towers, just smiled, and using the megaphone he started shouting, "Vikings of Norway, you have come to die in vain.

I hope you can remember that you are fighting against the herald of Odin. The gods of Asgard favor me, you are attacking the sacred land and you will pay with your life for your daring. "

Leaving the megaphone aside, Einar aimed his crossbow and fired at one of the legs of a Viking who almost immediately fell into the water, where he began to drown because he could not stand up.

Due to the weight of his armor and the wound on his foot, like him, others suffered the same tragic fate, due to the accumulation of Vikings on the coast the Drakkars could not disembark so chaos began to generate in the battle.

Jorgen, who was watching this, clenched his fist and gave the order to charge no matter what, for the Vikings who were arriving this order was followed completely.

So they began to push their companions who were in front of them and who had seen the horror of the barbed wire.

This caused many Vikings to face the barbed wire falling and creating a kind of bridges to cross.

With some seriousness, Einar gave the order to bring the boiling oil, which would serve as a multipurpose weapon.

To start, he would burn the Vikings who will approach the tower where he was and later torches would be thrown to cause fires.

Viking casualties continued to rise and crossbow ammunition continued to be used. This was the first full-scale battle for the tribe.

But fortunately, due to the use of a hand-cranked crossbow and steel bolts, the battle seemed to be able to be won without leaving much damage on the tribe.

Up the stairs of the towers, dozens of warriors and slaves carried ammunition and gigantic pots with boiling oil, which was animal fat with sulfur.

In this way, a fire could be lit in a simpler way. When they went up to the towers, they began to throw the oil at the Vikings who had already arrived near the towers.

When the hot oil began to fall, it completely ignored any shields or armor and completely entered the bodies of the unsuspecting Vikings.

They could only scream while they felt their skin burned by animal fat, which created a sizzling noise that for the first time in their lives made them hate cooked meat.

These actions began to fill the atmosphere with the aroma of fried meat, so some slaves wanted to vomit but held back.

For they knew that if it was not done that way they would be dead, the only thing that caused them some nightmares in the future.

It was the fact that many of them were in the bunkers under the towers that they could see the Vikings on the ground.

Which moved from side to side while the skin of their bodies peeled off, exposing their red and sometimes brown muscles due to burns.

But this only lasted for some time because when Einar gave the order to use the torches, a great wall of fire formed, burning many unsuspecting Vikings.

Which due to the oil that in many cases had splashed them, lit them on fire, creating human torches that ran like headless chickens.

This together with the constant attack created for the first time in the ferocious Vikings under Jorgen\'s command a feeling of fear.

As they remembered the words that man in the tower had shouted at them, perhaps they were not attacking a rogue tribe but a true Asgardian army.

So the brave Vikings on the front line decided to return to their ships to flee from that place.

What they did not expect was that while they turned around, their companions simply treated them as traitors, so they attacked them.

Seeing this, Einar raised his iron megaphone "Attack the new Vikings that are arriving."

With that order, the small civil war between the attackers became a real bloody battle because, with the support of the crossbows, those who could escape little by little were creating a path towards the beach.

Jorgen, who was already giving orders at one of the docks, prepared to fight with the traitors who had revealed themselves.

Einar, who was using a spyglass, looked at the whole situation on the battlefield until in one area of ​​the docks he could see a group of warriors with scaled armor.

These were a symbol of quality, so they must have belonged to a group of leaders. Looking more closely, he realized that among them there was someone who was wearing a crown of gold and wood.

"All the Crossbowmen in the tower, point to the dock where the soldiers with scaled armor are. In that place is King Jorgen.

If we can kill him all in this place, they will receive 2 gold coins or freedom if they are slaves. "

Everyone in the tower gulped and pointed their crossbows at the dock where those Vikings were.

Although they were almost 200 meters away, the new crank crossbow had an effective range of 350 meters, although the maximum range was 500 meters.

But at that distance, the penetration force of the steel-tipped crossbow bolt was almost nil, so it was not possible to fire at that distance.

All 30 crossbowmen in the tower, together with Einar, pointed to the dock where those Vikings were and fired following Einar\'s orders.

King Jorgen, who was giving orders, did not notice when a rain of bolts approached where he was. He could only give one last order when a bolt pierced his throat, and another pierced his heart.

His last thoughts were that he could not even see his murderer, his corpse, along with that of many of his guards, fell on the wood of the port.

Seeing that he was killed by the spyglass, Einar used his iron megaphone and began to shout, "Vikings, your king is dead, surrender now and I the herald of Odin\'s promise to give you a dignified treatment.

How Nordics have the right to be prisoners with food and not be turned into slaves if they meet the conditions.

Keep fighting and you will die in vain for there will be no entry to Valhalla for those who attack Odin\'s herald, for I am the voice of Asgard in this place.

Just put your weapons down and raise your hands as you walk towards the towers. "

Hearing this the last mental barrier of the attacking Vikings was knocked down, so they simply threw their axes and weapons.

Later they raised their hands and began to walk to where that magnified voice was speaking. They knew that their king was dead because many had seen his death.

When they began to walk, a group of warriors and slaves began to prepare ropes to bind the surrendering enemies.

Although most chose to surrender, a few chose to set out in their Drakkars to anywhere far from that cursed island where they were.

Einar, seeing this, could only shake his head \'I don\'t think they will go very far, but I must prepare troops to guard the island in case those Vikings want to settle on my lands.\'

Upon arrival, the Vikings who had surrendered began to be tied by the hands by slaves, while the Warriors took care of the prisoners.

When Einar arrived, he began to see numerous Vikings sitting and with their heads bowed because they had lost and there was no glory in a battle against a herald of Odin.

Using the iron megaphone, Einar began to shout as he walked around the prisoners.

"Today they fought and died following the orders of a mad king. I will not question what they did but now I offer to work for me.

The herald of Odin, I offer you glory and quiet life in this place. In the future, you can travel to conquer new lands while your families are safe in our city of Asgard.

If you are willing, you just need to stop and accept my rules. "

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