The Sage of Einar

Chapter 292 - Last Normal Harvest Of The Year

In the early morning of a new day, Einar was meeting with the entire group of Roman soldiers in training.

All of them were in front of the beautiful and almost endless fields of wheat that had been sown months ago.

Although they had seen the vast crops in the most fertile areas of the Byzantine empire, they were surprised to see an immense amount of wheat.

Einar proudly looked at the fields "From the following year, the crops will increase twice what they can see.

I will use a new creation called artificial fertilizer. It is currently under review but in March of the following year it will be ready for use.

I can guarantee you that there will never be a food shortage in the nation again, because of the little farmland we currently have.

The following year I will create subsidies to build private greenhouses, also will be granted construction permits for animal farms.

Although being in control of agriculture is good, the economy has to be released gradually so that currencies and money flow smoothly.

But that will be the work of the future. Now everyone, grab your scythes and remember to cut as short as possible.

This feed still needs to be threshed and the stubble will be kept as winter food for the animals. "

After that little speech, everyone took some specially constructed scythes to cut the wheat and began the arduous work of the traditional harvest.

The process seemed slow, but it was a job that as Roman soldiers they were used to doing as part of the ancient traditions of the legions.

Knowing how to plow and harvest was part of the army\'s training, even more so as imperial guards, because they had to know how to do a lot of things.

They mowed the wheat all morning until they toured the vast fields of wheat that had been sown.

Einar could calculate that he would have got roughly 8 to 10 tons of wheat, although it was not too much and it was not too little.

He knew that next year he would get double that and maybe in two years the wheat produced will be even higher.

Although the only thing he was sure of was that wheat production should be the highest in the northern part of the continent, considering that he only cultivated a small area of ​​the island.

In the future, Einar would take advantage of every place that can be planted, as well as every hot spring, to create greenhouses or factories.

As they watched slaves enter carrying cows that had carriages to carry wheat to the threshing area, they all headed to the vegetable and beet fields that Einar had cultivated.

Unlike the vegetables that were important, beets had commercial and strategic value for the nation.

Because of sugar, glycerin was got, the key ingredient in the manufacture of nitroglycerin, with which dynamite was made.

A deterrent weapon and tool in construction and mining.

As for the vegetables that Einar had planted were onions, carrots and lettuces, there was also a small garlic plantation.

All these would be the basis for the following year to triple the production of vegetables, because of the techniques of Einar and fertilizers.

They had achieved a good yield of the vegetables, to harvest the vegetables and the garlic was a bit time-consuming due to it being done with care.

Most of the vegetables would be pickled in glass jars so they could stay edible all year long.

As for the rest, they would be kept in the palace\'s warehouse and the surpluses would be placed in the warehouses of the old great hall.

Where they would be used during the Ancestor Blot and Yule festivals, although they might seem very few in reality, Einar calculated about 6 tons of vegetables.

When they finished, they took a break so Einar, taking advantage of the fresh vegetables, ordered to bring seal meat and after washing and disinfecting the vegetables with chlorine.

He cut onions together with some soldiers in a large iron pot. To feed 5000 soldiers, he used 300 onions and also put 10 heads of garlic.

Later, he added seal grease and boiled the onion and minced garlic using a large wooden shovel.

When everything was ready, the meat of two complete seals were placed in the iron pot. Using the wooden shovel, the meat was moved for a few minutes.

To later place water and refined salt, because of the exchange of spices with the Jewish merchant from a while ago.

Einar added some pepper, ginger, and macerated mint to the broth, although he knew that the broth was lacking chili.

He had to use what he had in his hands to be able to do the best he could.

After an hour, the broth was ready, so the food was served using glass plates. When Einar tasted the broth, he liked the flavor it had.

But he knew it could be better, but he was not pressured because he knew that with the greenhouses we would get tomatoes, potatoes, and chili peppers.

All those vegetables along with corn would be luxury foods within the nation, although it would be only temporary because when they will begin with the conquest of the islands of the American continent.

They would start large-scale agriculture without mentioning that the first benefit they would get would be the Maple syrup from the trees.

With that syrup, Einar would make alcoholic beverages and sweets, because if he sold maple syrup.

It could cause problems because they would be curious to know where you got it from and sometimes in history, the big changes come from a question.

But since he was thinking of selling it, he could say that it was honey, although there were no bees in Iceland.

When everyone finished eating, they drank water and after that, they washed everything they used.

At the end they began with the harvest of sugar beets which were not too much, however, Einar asked that they be treated with care.

Well, they were the most valuable material in the nation that is why all the sugar beets would be sent to the palace.

While its precious seeds, would be kept in an optimal place so that the following year the sowing will begin.

Anyway, Einar planned to talk to Nelda and Darían about bringing all the beet seeds like beets to the nation.

After working until nightfall, all the Roman soldiers went to their tents to sleep.

While Einar went to the palace, as he planned to rest because he was quite tired.

\'Should I make work in the fields mandatory in the imperial family, it would be a shame for some future emperor or emperor.


Be afraid of the field, working the land is the simplest way to create humility, it is true that one needs to be strong with enemies.


But that\'s not an excuse for them to grow up as superior beings. That mentality leads empires to collapse. \'

Einar stroked her nasal septum and sighed \'So many preparations to ensure that my family can be preserved until the future.


But it is the least I can do. I am sure that in the future many of my successors will hate me and others will love me.


Although that will no longer matter because I will not be there, at least they must remember that to avoid falling into the mediocrity and self-centeredness of Christian monarchs.


Who believe that because they are noble, they are superior and everyone should pay homage to them. \'

When he got on the elevator, the elevator climb the small cliff while he saw how beautiful the capital looked.

\'When the port and road networks are ready, I think I will name the city Asgard.


It will be a way to pay respect to the mythical city. It may be simple for the moment, but in a few years, it will be the center of a majestic nation.


I should also start designing apartments to welcome the large number of slaves that will be arriving.


It will be complicated at the beginning but I think that 6-story buildings to start should be possible to build.


I also have to increase the number of military police to dedicate themselves to bringing peace to the entire island.


So many things to do and a year has passed since I arrived he asked me what things I will do next year. \'

When the elevator reached the top, Einar could see Kassia waiting for him with little Laura, who ran to her father to give him a hug.

"Welcome home dad, as you were working in the fields, you brought me some vegetables."

Einar smiled and lifted his daughter so he could kiss her on the forehead "I did very well in the field, we just harvested everything.

The vegetables will arrive tomorrow along with many foods at the warehouse of the palace. In a few days, I may start with the work of picking the vegetables.

I hope you can help me.

Also, tomorrow I will be at home working on the constitution that is almost finished. It is a very complete book that you will have to read.

Can you promise me that you will? "

Laura smiled and hugged her father "I\'ll do it dad I can promise you, but tomorrow we can eat some fresh vegetables.

I want a carrot like the ones Mr. Rabbit ate in the story you told me yesterday. "

Einar stroked his daughter\'s hair "Don\'t worry, you will eat a lot of carrots and vegetables, just like salicorns.

All vegetables must be eaten to have a balanced diet.

But for your fortune, Dad works hard to ensure that you can eat as healthy as possible.

That is why one should always eat all the food that is on the plate because we do not know the effort that someone put into bringing it to the table.

Only one should not eat something when it is dangerous to health or is food to which you are allergic. "

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