Everything will be my way!

Chapter 566

Chapter 566

The killer Alexander was a trusted comrade of Valeera. He was a loyal assistant to her uncle, helped her escape from the Boston department and tragically died with Bernard on the day when all the shadow clans betrayed Valeera. The fact that Alexander had been working for the general all this time could only mean one thing.         

«Are you Leon?!» – Kyon blurted out in disbelief.     

«Bravo. You guessed it. With my hint, of course, but still you did it…»     

Lovr did not understand how this was possible. Leon, whom he saw in the illusory world, and the 0th general hardly resemble each other in any way! On the other hand, judging by the fact that he came to Boston in the guise of Fernand, the man is good at changing his personality.     

«You deprived the poor girl of her family, ruined her life, turned her into a ruthless killer, and all because of some "Child of the Void"?!» – Kyon said gloomily. He reacted so sharply because Valeera meant a lot to him. And the realization that the girl\'s beloved uncle turned out to be her sworn enemy was really discouraging.     

The zeroth general snorted contemptuously: «Some "Child of the Void?" The extermination of the Webers and one ruined fate is an insignificant price even for "The Child of the Void" with one shock! Ignorant boy, you don\'t understand anything…»     

«So explain it to me!» – Lovr demanded.     

The man looked thoughtfully at the messenger of the goddess and decided to tell him anyway: «From the very moment of the formation of the soul, there are three free cells inside it: the first is in the navel, the second one is in the heart and the third one is in the head. It is believed that their number can be increased, but I do not know anything about it…»     

{How does he know about this?!} – Kyon didn\'t remember this being written in books. – {Wait… Three cells, one of which is in the head? Is Synergy settled there? The body of the Void occupied the slot in the heart and… Do I still have one more empty slot?}     

«If the parents have a rich pedigree, then they will pass on to their child an innate unique body that will settle in the navel. And sometimes even two or three unique bodies! Then they will occupy all the slots, leaving no room for the conception of a unique body.»     

«You might have a legitimate question: if there are three slots, then why can\'t one conceive two or even three unique bodies at once? The answer is simple: the acquired unique bodies are males. Intruders. Territory invaders. They won\'t get along. There can be only one dominant in the soul. Whereas the innate unique body is a female. Keeper of the hearth. There may be two or even three of them, but they will not conflict, because they are sisters to each other, coexisting together from birth.»     

{This is strange… In all the books that I read, it was written that there could not be more than one innate body… Although, if you think about it, his words sound plausible.}     

«A male who invades someone else\'s territory is too weak and infirm. He is a child who has to grow into a man. The females decide whether to leave him or not. Whether he is worthy to lead them in the future. Whether his temperament is suitable for them. And it often happens that the female is so powerful and wayward that she immediately needs the man, and she will immediately reject any young foundling.»     

«Since you know the basics now, I\'ll get to the point. Pregnancy, as you have already understood, is not rebirth. A completely new soul is being formed inside the mother\'s soul. It has no memories of past lives, although many people think otherwise.»     

«Incredibly rare, such an anomaly happens that a mother has to give birth to twins, but the soul of one child gets stuck inside the soul of another child, as if confusing her with her mother. She stops growing because she does not receive nutrients, or, to be more precise, the spiritual essence of the mother. And then this unfortunate child has no choice but to settle in the soul of her sister, which, by the way, will forbid its carrier to develop any unique body.»     

«In the future, this soul will have the opportunity to acquire a physical body - when the sister gives birth to a child. However, the mother will inevitably die during childbirth, because this soul has long become her integral part, without which she cannot exist.»     

«The problems don\'t end there. An underdeveloped soul that has been inside its mother for many years will never become complete. A person wearing it will inevitably get stuck in his emotional and spiritual development at the level of a child. He will not be able to lie and do evil, he will not be burdened with human vices. Moreover, by depriving his mother of the opportunity to develop a unique body, and then killing her, he will have an irresistible desire to give. That\'s why he is called "The Child of Gifting".»     

Kyon stared at the interlocutor in amazement: {It can\'t be…} – he read about "The Child of Gifting" two volumes out of three existing ones. He came across the first part in the mines, ironically, it turned out to be the very first book he read. It seemed funny to him, but strange. He found the second part in the elite section of the library in Dantes. There was clearly some meaning hidden in it. And only now, after the words of the 0th general, he realized that both books are based on real events.     

«"The Child of Giving" is the soul of a bastard who deprives his mother of the opportunity to conceive or acquire a unique body and dooms her to death after pregnancy. However, he is unique. For many years he has been hiding inside the soul from the universal laws that subdue everything. Since "The Child of Giving" is premature, he is not a complete component of the universe – a figure that is subject to its principles. In other words, "The Child of Giving" is the only entity in the universe that may not comply with its laws. But how exactly to unleash this ability to the fullest?»     

«If the soul is subjected to incredible horror, then "The Child of Giving", peacefully residing inside, may experience a shock, thereby becoming "The Child of the Void" with one shock. It will begin to despise and hate the world so much that it will refuse to obey its laws.»     

«Do you have any idea of the value of a treasure that allows you to weaken the impact of universal laws? Because of them, it is so difficult to transform the soul, develop and comprehend enlightenment. With "The Child of the Void" you can even become a heavenly genius! It also grants the ability to become invisible, as if refusing to be a part of this world. That\'s why "The Child of the Void" is a heavenly treasure.»     

Kyon looked completely discouraged, which definitely motivated the narrator to continue. Now the guy understood why Valeera had that powerful invisibility technique. He also realized why her fate was so tragic.     

«However, it would be a huge mistake to think that turning "The Child of Giving" into "The Child of the Void" is a trivial matter. Believe me, it\'s not! Even one shock is an unimaginable phenomenon. A girl can be tortured in the most sophisticated ways, you can kill and shred her parents in front of her, but this will not work, because the victim\'s soul simply won\'t understand what will happen around her.»     

Kyon, oddly enough, understood what was being said. He also needs to contrive unthinkably every now and then in order to earn darkness. You can\'t just take some prisoner and, torturing him with 5 needles, pump the core with darkness. It doesn\'t work like that.     

«To make "The Child of Giving" disappointed in the world, it is necessary to prepare the ground properly. It can take years, and almost a lifetime. By order of Lanatelle, I had been preparing for the first shock for many years, I infiltrated the family and became a friend of Valeera\'s father. I slowly but surely motivated the girl to despise the Russells, convinced her that they were jealous and afraid of the Webers, that they created obstacles for them. I literally nurtured hatred for the Russells in Valeera even before they exterminated her family! At the same time, I strengthened her bond with her father, mother and brother… And then… BOOM! And they are all killed! Right in front of her! All points of support collapsed at the same time. The whole world and all the girl\'s dreams at once turned into horror, for which, paradoxically, she was already subconsciously ready. And, as a result, "The Child of Giving" experienced the first shock, becoming "Дитём пустоты"!» – sincere pleasure and triumph were reflected in the silver eyes of the 0th general, as if he was a maniac who directed his best bloody performance.     

From his stay in the illusory world, Kyon remembered how Valeera\'s parents were brutally murdered while she was looking at what was happening, staying behind the mirror. And then, with a powerful impulse, an invisible flash appeared, freezing the soul… Howl of the void. Her first shock.         

{Valeera…} – Lovr hated the 0th general and the Empress more and more for their plans. And although he realized why they turned the fate of the poor girl into hell, it was impossible to accept this, because Valeera was his dear and beloved wife.     

Soon the man continued leisurely: «"The Child of the Void" with two shocks, as the legends say, is a hundred times more effective than with one. I\'ve already seen this through Valeera: when "The Child of the Void" tries to hide from the universe, its owner seems to erase himself from it. The effect of invisibility is so striking that people even have slightly confused memories of the person who disappeared.»     

«You can\'t even imagine how priceless "The Child of the Void" with two shocks is. Gods and goddesses are ready to arrange an apocalypse to get it. My father told me that there was only one woman who owned "The Child of the Void" with two shocks. As you can understand, she was hunted by the whole world… As far as I know, she was killed.»     

«The second shock is possible only if the concentration of negative emotions is much higher than the last time, and the whole tragedy must be flawlessly justified and plausible. However, after the first shock, the girl had nothing left that would be of value to her in this life. Also, "The Child of the Void" eats away almost all the feelings and emotions from its owner, leaving only a gaping hole in the heart… How to make the emotionless and already broken girl go through the second shock? As you can guess, it\'s almost impossible. A one in a billion chance sounds more promising.»     

«However, our plan included two shocks. We had no hopes of success, but why not try? After all, the difference in the quality of "The Child of the Void" with one shock and with two is too great!»     

«Everything was supposed to happen like this: I become a second father for Valeera, she creates a huge clan, finds trusted people, her hope of revenge grows, she becomes very strong and powerful, and then, at the most crucial moment, I betray her, **** her and share a bed with my beloved Lanatelle, giving her "The Child of the Void"…» – disappointment flashed in the man\'s dreamy gaze.     

There was a tense silence. At least for Kyon. He had nothing to say to this ruthless psychopath. If the guy didn\'t know Valeera, he might even have agreed with the general\'s actions.     

Finally, the 0th general continued: «But things didn\'t go according to the plan. I don\'t know how you did it, but you single-handedly made Valeera go through the second shock… You did the impossible. You gave birth to "The Child of the Void" with two shocks! Just for this gift, the empress and I are in your debt!»     

{…} – Kyon felt more and more disgusted by what he heard. On that day, he appeared before Valeera as a ruthless villain who would do anything in the world for his own benefit. He tortured her with three needles, allegedly in order to kill her uncle, and he really died. No wonder the howl of the void came out of her - the legendary second shock.     

«I was extremely surprised by your call with a sincere plea to save her. At that time, Vladimir had already told me that you were the gifted investigator who destroyed the thieves guild of Valeera, also known as the promising "TsiJi\'s student", who proved himself at the Stones\' party. And then I had a thought: what if I use you to create "The Child of the Void" with a hitherto unprecedented three shocks? Why not at least try to create a treasure, compared to which even divine artifacts are trash? And then I started improvising.»     

«I didn\'t have a clear plan, but the idea was simple: I had to make you the most hated sworn enemy of Valeera, and for that I had to die. Or at least to be captured by the Russells, where after long tortures you will release me as bait! In general, I had many plans and options for the development of events, but suddenly you infiltrated her clan under the guise of Zosimos… I could only observe the development of events and wait for the right moment. And I was unspeakably surprised by your skillful joining of the clan… And then it started: you helped her rob the Stalbers, saved her from Edward, resolved the situation with the metal… On the day of the clan leaders\' meeting, when Edward kidnapped Valeera, I was ready to save her, but you showed up again! A kind of knight on a white horse, always ready to rush to the aid of the lady of the heart…»     

{So that\'s what invisible person I noticed then…} – Kyon realized.     

«And in the end, you destroyed all the shadow clans, having rendered an incredible service to the girl… You helped her organize the megaclan, and even pulled her out of the department! And then… Oh bloody oceans, it turned out that she knew all this time that you were Kyon! And she loved you! What a drama… How romantic… Ah, I was delighted!»     

«How… Did you… Know all this?!» – Kyon muttered softly. His spy Alexander died at a meeting of the heads of the clans, but then where did this scumbag get the information from? He couldn\'t have been spying on her personally!     

«Oh, haven\'t you figured it out yet? The cracked mirror that Valeera always wears around her neck… Listening and tracking formations are superimposed on it. I have always been aware of all the events related to your wife. All this time I\'ve been watching you, lovebirds, and patiently waiting for the right moment to take action!»     

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