The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 472 - Remember The Name (2)

Everyone was surprised to hear Heimdall\'s declaration. But as much as they were surprised they were also shocked to see how Arnold had managed to exploit a loophole even they didn\'t know existed. For that, he had earned some respect from the gods... that was except Zeus and a few others.

"This bast.ard..."

Zeus was seething with unadulterated rage. Hercules was one of his favourite children and seeing him reduced to the state of a mere dog was both infuriating and shameful at the same time. After all, Hercules was someone even full-fledged gods had to think twice before going against and yet not only this mortal was able to defeat him, he had also turned him into a pet.. 

His rage was already on the verge of clouding his ability to rationalise things when he looked at Arnold. At the same time, Arnold looked towards the thundering god as well. Arnold even took the visor off just so he could wink at Zeus.

Zeus suddenly started hyperventilating. This mortal had the audacity to mess with his son and then wink at him? Did he dare to continually disrespect him over and over again? It was time to give the man a lesson to never mess with him. Arnold had struck his family, so Zeus would do the same. 


At the same time, a thunderstorm like the earth had never seen before formed over the Black mansion, where Nina was currently staying with her family till Arnold returned. She looked out of the window and saw the ominous dark clouds making their way towards them. Soon the windows started to shake under the pressure of the sudden disastrous winds. This wasn\'t normal.

"Alice, get the boys please..." Nina mumbled as she rushed to get her parents.

Everything was happening just like Arnold had said it would. Nina now realised the extent of the powers of the ones Arnold was facing. It was no wonder he was worried about her safety. She brought everyone there. None of them could believe the size of the sudden storm. 

Suddenly the clouds began growling as if their mere existence enraged it. Nina pulled her sons close to her chest as there was a blinding flash outside. However, the lightning wasn\'t the only thing glowing there. The sky was torn in half from the noise of the lightning strike. Everyone grabbed whoever they could while Arnold\'s summons were keeping a watch over them.

As soon as a single strand of thunder was about to strike the mansion, the sapling Nina had planted in the garden shone as well. The next moment, the sapling had turned into a brand new tree. Its canopy touched the stormy sky and spread across the thundering clouds. The wide canopy of the tree saved the mansion and the people inside from the lightning strike of Zeus. 

There wasn\'t a single scratch on the surface of the tree. No burn marks, nothing at all. It was as if Zeus\' strike got absorbed by the tree. Everyone soon let go of the ones they were hanging on to.  They were safe. The sapling had saved them all.


Talos\' eyes were fixed on the god of thunders. He might have been a god, but his face was easier to read than that of Arnold. In fact, Zeus was like an open book to him. Talos knew what Zeus had just tried to do and how miserably he failed.

As the participants from the other worlds were arriving at the stage, Talos leaned in towards his master and informed him of what Zeus had just tried to do.  Arnold had expected Zeus to do something like that, but it made him angry nonetheless. 

"Are you sure?" Arnold mumbled back. He had to make sure that Talos was not mistaken before doing something.

"I swear upon my loyalty, master." Talos replied in a diligent tone, "He had tried to harm lady Nina and the young masters. However, the sapling you had, had lady Nina plant in the garden saved them all."

Arnold let out a sigh of relief before extending his arm towards Talos. Talos understood what his master wanted and handed him the Hercules\' leash. He gave a quick look over to Zeus to make sure he was seeing him.

\'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.\'

Arnold sharply pulled the leash so that Hercules was right in front of him. The sudden movement had drawn all the attention on him. The gods wanted to see what was he planning to do now and just as they turned their sights on him, Arnold kicked Hercules right across his face. 

Everyone gasped as Hercule\'s lower jaw flew out of his mouth. It seemed like Arnold did not hold back at all before kicking the demigod right across the face. No one could believe what he had done just now. At the same time, they finally realised Arnold wasn\'t just bluffing when he said Hercules was his pet...

However, this reckless move was exactly what pushed Zeus over the limit of his patience. Arnold had just crossed the line and it didn\'t matter what the Immortal one would do to him anymore, he would kill his bast.ard of a Vassal.

Suddenly Zeus\' eyes and hair started glowing while his body started floating in the air. Continuous loud crackling voices could be heard coming from his direction. His eyes were fixated on Arnold as lightning gathered in his hand. 

Lord Nandi realised what Zeus was doing and rushed over to protect Arnold, but before he could take more than a couple of steps, Shiva stopped him. This wasn\'t their battle to intervene in. 

"But my lord-" Nandi was getting frantic but Shiva simply smiled as he usually did.

"Just wait and watch," Shiva told his loyal follower. He didn\'t stop Nandi because he didn\'t want to interfere there. Shiva stopped Nandi because there was no need to protect someone who was capable of doing so himself. 

Seeing no other way, Nandi sat back down while looking at Zeus\' erratic behaviour just like everyone else. Even Heimdall was shocked by Zeus\' behaviour but before he intervene in the matter, Zeus\' had already released his legendary attack: The thunderbolt. 

As Arnold saw the attack coming towards him, he asked everyone to step back. Everyone immediately stepped back, while Tiamut had to push Nicole out of the way. Just when the thunderbolt was about to touch Arnold, the bright light blinded everyone.

Zeus couldn\'t stop laughing. That was it! He had done it. Although it wasn\'t the way they had planned to end the nuisance, the end result was the same. The Immortal\'s vassal was dead. However, as the light faded away, so did his happiness. 

Arnold was still there, standing on his feet just he had before. The extreme glow of the thunderbolt had disappeared, but it was still there... in Arnold\'s hands. Rather than trying to dodge the attack that even the gods feared, he stood there and grabbed it like it was nothing.

The next moment, everyone, gods and mortal alike, got a glimpse of Arnold\'s true strength as the thunderbolt disintegrated in his hand. Forget about his well-being, there was not even a single scratch on his freaking armour. 

To say that everyone was shocked... Nah, leave it. No words could express the turmoil of emotions the gods were having. Not only did a mortal stopped an attack even most of the gods couldn\'t, but he also was acting like there was nothing wrong with him? How was that even possible?

But Arnold wasn\'t done yet. He turned towards Zeus who was still floating above them and looked him in the eye, "I\'m Deathless. Remember the name, I don\'t want you to forget the one who will promptly kick the of all the contestants here... and yours as well. Just wait and watch."

After saying that, he went back to his place and stood there as if nothing had happened. 

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