Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 304 - 303 - Reconnaissance(Part 8)

Chapter 304 - 303 - Reconnaissance(Part 8)

Point-of-View: Sylvar Miirphys


Damn it, that was way too close...I thought I was going to drown and ended up panicking, and that almost let that bitch end me...my right arm hurts like crazy, Corruption Magic is no joke...I can\'t even twitch a finger on my right hand, this is absolute agony.

As the barrier shattered and the water began to burst out, I used my wind to hover in the air and then fired out a powerful, concentrated blast of wind at the blonde woman, striking her torso and sending her zipping towards the ground at a blinding speed, crashing with a devastating impact, kicking up a massive dust cloud.

Now for the rest-...I suddenly let out a scream of pain as it felt like my body was going to explode...I shifted my gaze, before seeing and realizing what happened...damn it, that freckled bitch just fired her lightning up at me, which packed even more of a punch thanks to me being completely soaked. Had that lightning been more significantly powerful, it might have knocked me unconscious at the very least.

I blasted out shockwave of wind from myself to keep them from getting close, before descending and landing back down onto the ground in a deep puddle...they\'ve seriously weakened me, I\'ve lost a fair amount of blood, the pain from the Corruption Magic was dulling my senses and I was numb all over from the electrocution.

Suddenly, the blonde ponytail girl with blue streaks in her bangs and chains wrapped around her arms, the one who\'d burnt my foot when I kicked her earlier, sprang up to my left with her right leg raised.

Grr, don\'t underestimate me, just because I\'m injured doesn\'t mean that I can\'t counter such an unsubtle kick, I\'ll crush her leg and-...before I could finish that thought and as I reached for her leg to break it, she flicked her left arm...and whipped one of her chains at my right elbow, striking the Corruption Magic injury and sending waves of sheer agony bursting through my body, I was in too much pain to even move, or even shout in pain...let alone stop her kick.

Her foot slammed onto my chest and sent me stumbling back with a gasp of agony, more from the jarring of my right arm than from the kick itself, before she swiftly closed in on me and unleashed a barrage of rapid, fiery punches, striking my torso several times...she doesn\'t have the raw strength to hurt me, but her flames are intense, each strike burns me badly.

This can\'t be happening...all of these people, even with their powers combined, don\'t even measure up to half my base power...so how the hell is this happening!?

As she slammed her flaming fists onto my chest, my skin searing off painfully, I sprang back and fired out wind from my feet to try and get some distance, she swiftly responded by unraveling her chains, running flames through them and then swinging them towards me like whips.

I managed to evade them initially...and then she began whipping them around rapidly like crazy, like fiery blurs all around me. One of the chains struck my left shoulder, scorching it severely and eliciting a scream of pain from me, before the other one slammed onto my pain, sending burning waves of pain through my body...damn it...did I just try to run away from her just now? Enough...I...I\'ve had enough!

As she swung both chains inwards at me, I sprang up to evade them, and as they started to cross each other...I swiftly grabbed them with my left hand, wincing in pain as the skin on my palm and the flesh underneath got scorched off, before gritting my teeth and pulling with all my strength, dragging her towards me rapidly.

I then fired out a wind blast from my mouth at her, striking her full on and slamming her onto the ground with immense force, the flames around the chains fading as I did. A weak groan of pain echoed out from the dust cloud...she\'s still alive, is she? I\'ll correct that...and then I\'m going after the rest...


Point-of-View: Cusnai Bronztan


Damn it, Lidui is out of commission and it looks like Minise is too...and Niski and the surviving A-Rank look frozen...the latter frozen in fear, but the former\'s expression told me that it was something else...she was thinking that she\'d only get in the way or isn\'t strong enough to do any damage against this opponent. And I can\'t exactly fault her for thinking that way...

That only leaves me, but even in his weakened state, I doubt I\'m strong enough to challenge him...the only reasons why Lidui and Minise were effective were because the former caught him off-guard and the latter took advantage of the brief period where he was dazed after losing his breath and getting electrocuted.

As he formed a wind blade and walked towards Minise, who looked like she was on the verge of death...I reached into my pouch and took out my last resort. A power boosting serum I\'ve been working on, it\'s still not complete, this is just an unstable prototype...but it\'s my only remaining option.

I quickly opened it and drank the contents, before zipping towards him at top speed...ten times faster than what my speed had been a few seconds ago.

This serum gives the user a temporary, yet drastic, increase in overall power, approximately tenfold, I plan to call my boosted form Berserker Mode, not out loud of course, since that would go against the serious image I\'ve cultivated for myself in this world...I planned for it to be my trump card, but this current version is more like a wild card...but it\'s all I\'ve got for right now!

I reached him in the blink of an eye and swung my spear at him, which he noticed just in time and barely evaded, the tip of my blade scratching his forehead, before I sprang up, swiftly spun around and slammed my heel onto his chest, sending him flying back.

Before he could crash onto the ground, I zipped past him and swung my knee up, which slammed onto his back, eliciting a hollow gasp of pain from him before sending him zipping away even faster. Time to end this!

I raced after him at top speed and swung my spear towards his neck, attempting to decapitate him...but right before I could, he suddenly blasted himself off to the left with his wind, my blade slashing off his mutated right arm instead, as he let out an excruciating scream of pain and went skidding away along the ground, before bursting out a shockwave of wind, letting out a roar of fury as he got back onto his feet, his eyes bulging with rage...

Suddenly, I felt a wave of pain burst through my body and collapsed onto my knees, my strength rapidly leaving my body. Damn it, already? I really hoped the prototype serum would last longer...but that was barely fifteen seconds. I can\'t move...damn it...

"You...you goddamned humans!" Yelled Sylvar viciously, "I...I am Sylvar Miirphys, the fucking Wind Sage...AND I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!"

Powerful gusts of wind then burst out from him, streaks of green starting to appear in his hair...when suddenly, a young girl with light purple hair teleported in next to him, punching his left shoulder with a frown.

"Stop, you fool. In your current condition, unleashing your full power will be certain to kill you almost instantly...I cannot believe that you allowed these humans to inflict so much harm on you, are you not the strongest of us Elemental Sages? We are heading back now, you require immediate healing," She remarked with a frown.

"Bell...fine, whatever," He growled, before turning his attention to me, "Tch, consider yourself lucky, bitch...next time, I will kill you."

"Oh, yeah? You...you\'re strong and skilled, but...you don\'t have much of any real battle experience, do you?" I taunted with a smirk, "You panic easily and make stupid decisions."

What am I doing? Why am I provoking him? I feel like...I just can\'t help myself...

"Why, you-!!"

"Enough, we are leaving," Interrupted the girl, before pointing her hand towards me, lightning violently crackling around it, "But I, the Lightning Sage, shall make sure to eradicate these pieces of human trash first."

Crap, did she say Lightning Sage? This is bad...both Lidui and Minise are behind me...that looks like it\'s going to be a huge lightning blast, that\'ll wipe all of us out. Even if I could move right now...I don\'t think I could counter that...I\'ve never seen such a bright, electric glow just from charging up a lightning blast...this is going to be massive...

Right as she fired it out at us, a blindingly enormous blast of lightning, big enough to wipe out a building, suddenly, a massive blast of water burst forth from behind me...I tentatively glanced back, to see Lidui on one knee, barely conscious and holding out a Spell Card.

The mass of water clashed against the lightning, a massive explosion bursting out upon impact, followed by a huge smokescreen of a dense steam cloud, before several streaks of lightning crackled out and struck the ground, one of the bolts striking my left leg and electrocuting me, numbing my entire body and nearly knocking me out.

Heh...actually, that\'s not so bad, I can\'t feel the pain from the backlash of the prototype Berserker serum thanks to the numbness. I then painstakingly turned my gaze forward, as the steam cleared...good, they\'re gone.

That...was way too close. But this is the worst possible scenario...those two have incredible power, and there are three more like them? I don\'t like this one bit...


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