The Typhoon's Dangerous Wife

Chapter 130 - Title Is A Spoiler

"Happy? " questioned Long Jie in a teasing tone.

"Maybe," Zhenyi answered back and Long Jie could imagine a smile gracing her cherry lips and how badly he wanted to kiss that smile.

Long Jie was rather surprised to receive a call from his wife, as she had never called him except once when she needed him to testify in her favor. But when he heard her anxious voice, he felt as if someone had poured nitric acid on his heart.

"Cat eyes? " 


"Did something happened?" questioned Long Jie. His voice was filled with unspoken concern and worry for her. His wife was not the one to look for distractions to ease her restlessness instead she was the reason for people\'s perturbation.

"No." Zhenyi found herself replying to his question spontaneously. " I feel like something bad is going to happen."

"Stop overthink. I\'ll never let something bad happens to you." Long Jie surprised himself by actually meaning his words. 

"I\'m not afraid of getting hurt or even dying but I don\'t think I can survive if my family is harmed in any way. I\'ll go crazy and this time for real and no cure in the world will be ample for my insanity," said Zhenyi. "I pray, I get all their pains and sufferings in their place. And if one has to die, it should be me not my family."

"Stop it, Zhenyi. I don\'t want to hear you talking about your death. No one is dying especially not you," said Long Jie immediately.

He couldn\'t hear her utter nonsense that she was dying or something. Death didn\'t fear him but her leaving him did. 

Zhenyi smiled inwardly hearing his concern her and chose to tease him a little, "If I die, you can\'t marry again or touch any other woman otherwise my wandering ghost will haunt you till you join me on the other side."

She knew he cared for her and it was evident in his actions. He respected her decision of staying away from each other but on the other hand, he kept on proving that he was ready to fight for them, but Zhenyi was aware that he was not entirely prepared. He still needed time and she was willing to wait to be honest, but she showed him that she was over him and whatever was between them, it ended that day. But little did he knew it was the beginning of something. Something so strong that no lie, no past, or no secret could break. 

"Zhenyi," Long Jie said her name in a warning tone. 

"I\'m very serious, hubby."

Long Jie\'s eyes widened at what she called him spontaneously. The goosebumps rise all over his arms and legs instantly, that one word, chilling him to the bone but also setting him ablaze. She always called him Jie. Calling nicknames was not her thing, but today she did and it might be a spontaneous act but hell, it made him feel special that she called him something no one else did.

  To say the truth, he was stuck for a minute, it sounded so sweet, so fulfilling and intimate that for a moment, he didn\'t know how to respond or to not. But one thing he knew, was that he would be yearning to hear her calling him \'hubby\' ever. 

"What do you call me ?" Long Jie couldn\'t help but ask. He wanted to hear him call \'hubby \' again. 

"What did I call you?"Zhenyi furrowed her brows and asked in confusion.

Well, she didn\'t notice that she had set fire somewhere and then forgot burning someone in the flames of craving to no avail. 

"Nothing." Long Jie muttered under her breath.

Zhenyi sighed out.

"Let\'s join your father for dinner today, okay? " Long Jie asked out of nowhere which was quite surprising for Zhenyi. 

"Bà? " 

"Yeah. He misses you and we haven\'t seen him since the wedding," said Long Jie. Moreover, we already had dinner with my family. What do you say? " 

"It depends on what\'s my husband is omitting," Zhenyi immediately retorted. 

"Well, your husband might have had lunch with your father twice without your presence." 

Long Jie decided to come clean. It would be another problem for him if Zhenyi knew from someone else other than him that her husband and her father were suddenly best of friends. 

"Wow. You both are really... " Zhenyi was at the loss of words. 

"Just twice, Wife. Trust me, he didn\'t even tell me any embarrassing stories of your childhood," Long Jie immediately said. " Heck, I have to give something in return in order to convince him to give me a list of your likes and dislikes." 

Trust him, Xin Yichen was more difficult than his daughter. At least his charms worked on Zhenyi but her father, he was ... impossible. 

"And why you will do that? " questioned Zhenyi. 

"Why won\'t I? " Long Jie answered his question with another question. 

It was such a silly question. Why wouldn\'t he do something for his wife? 


"You look beautiful. Like a goddess. My Goddess." Long Jie whispered and Zhenyi veered around to find Long Jie getting out of the car, a phone fastened to his ear. 

He winked at her when his eyes met hers and her breath hitched in her throat. He looked insanely gorgeous in the three-piece dark suit.

He walked towards and when he reached her, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her temple gently. 

"We are practicing celibacy, do you forget it? " Zhenyi finds herself uttering these words and the next thing she knew was that his lips attacked hers suddenly out of nowhere. 

Well, she perfectly knew from where. 

This novel is a contracted work with W e b n o v e l . c o m (remove spaces). If you\'re not reading \'The Typhoon\'s Dangerous Wife \' on W e b n o v e l, it has been stolen. It\'s very heartbreaking to see pirates profiting from my hard work. Please support the original author,(tanu_sam).

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