Epic of Bee

Chapter 82 Beezli's Outrage

I weakly grabbed Miku. She couldn\'t do anything against that thing, but then she started to make her hands in claws, palms up. Then, Miku threw her hands in the air.

At the same time, the shadow that the Predator was casting in front of him leapt up. It suddenly latched onto the massive cloaked figure, and the Predator started to struggle.

"GET AWAY FROM MY QUEEN!" Screamed Leah as she came bounding up and leapt into the air.

I watched as his fist collided with the gigantic figure and knocked him off his feet. The Predator was knocked back to the hole but not out.

The white and red cloak began to rise again, but then an arrow bounced off of the heavy cloak, and then another. I couldn\'t look back, but I know that it was Gabe who must be shooting non-stop.

Suddenly Riza and Joni were at my side, and I could see Leah running for the figure. Now, the rest of the guards and Hive were buzzing into the chamber.

"WHY ARE YOU SO STRONG?! This is not what he said! You may survive, for now, Little Queen, but I will rip open one day and taste your tender flesh soon, Prey," The massive cloaked figure said before he jumped out the massive hole in the side of the ship.

I was starting to have trouble keeping my conscience, the pain was rippling through my body, and I think my arm was broken. Searing pain radiated between my elbow and wrist on the same side as my crumpled wings.

Suddenly, there were hands all around me, and there were people in white robes and golden hexes along the bottom surrounding me. The hands gently picked me up, making me cry out in pain, but they got a heavy sheet under me.

"Tag… Sig…" I said as tears started to well up again, and that was all I was able to get out, but one of the doctor-looking people answered me; I was just able to hold on to listen.

"They are alive but badly injured. I think it will take some time, but the boys will survive," The doctor said to me, but I was already gone.

I had just needed to know that they were okay. The System had forced me to use them as body shields, and that didn\'t sit right with me.


[Celestial BeeHive, Beezli\'s Domain]

I opened my eyes, and I was outside of a golden place, in what seemed to be a long and stretching backyard. Hexagon fountains were spraying up what I could only assume to be honey from them and tall glass flowers, but I could see no one around.

"That\'s because it\'s just you and me."

I turned to find Beezli in a white robe that was so sheer that it left nothing up to the imagination. Beezli was a Goddess, so it was a given that she would be beautiful, but her curves and golden skin made her more than attractive.

"Yes, I touch my Honey Pot in the mirror sometimes as well; I was given a very appropriate form for a sexy Bee Goddess. Enough about me, and more to the reason that we are able to have this visit," Beezli said as she summoned a pair of golden chairs and a table that appeared from nowhere.

I took a seat, too stunned for words. That was right, I had just passed out from the pain after the explosion, but now I was here. I sat down and looked at Beezli, who joined me.

"So I died, or almost did, and now I am having an out-of-body experience while in a coma? Though, I was somehow brought to the Celestial Realm?" I asked.

"...Something like that, it\'s always nice to see how quickly you pick up on things. The Predators are becoming more than just a problem now," Beezli said to me.

"You can say that again, That big guy must be able to move fast; the distraction was enough for him to cover almost two miles in the blink of an eye. Leah is a tank; I can\'t believe that she was able to knock him off his feet!" I said proudly.

"Yes, but Leah also shattered her hand and now will have to wait until she gets the Royal Honey. Tag and Sig are doing very well; both are awake and eating," Beezli explained to me.

"That\'s unfortunate about Leah, but that plan was already in the making, so she will be fine, but I am glad to hear about Tag and Sig. I was worried about them, and I can\'t believe the System forced them to almost die for me!" I said in outrage, but Bezzli snapped at me.

"Oh?! And what would have happened if you would have died? Yes, I understand that you feel close to these people, but if you die, they do so with them! You have taken on this role, and I thought that you understood that, but it seems I was wrong, and that is why you are here now!" Beezli growled as she stood from her chair.

I was shocked by her outburst, but I kind of understand why she was mad. If I had just had a wandering pack of friends for adventures, it wouldn\'t be a big deal if I died.

Sure they would be sad, but they would find someone that was strong in time to replace me. Now, if I die, everything that I control and all my powers would disappear, and then I would leave the people in a worse place than I had found them.

"You\'re right, and I just need to be thankful that they survived, but I will be making them my personal guards from now on. You have to admit, there wasn\'t really a way to see this coming, and whoever did it has some kind of power, and I think it\'s another System User," I said.

"Possibly, I have known about them, but they are extremely secretive, and their God is an Alpha God. I am a Beta God, and we aren\'t good or bad, but we have no way to communicate with them. Most of us think that they are the next step after God-Tech, but none of us know. Still, our time here had ended, but don\'t forget to talk to Hilda about what you were talking about before everything went to the fire," Beezli told me, and everything started to slip away like I was falling.

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