Epic of Bee

Chapter 102 Mecha-Volution!

Joni, Riza, and I all exited the Honey Gate into the bottom level. Before actually going through the portal, there was a brief moment where I thought that the hole on the other side was going to be covered with some tarps and tape.

Thankfully, I was pleasantly surprised to see that the hole was now a hanger door that had been shaped and looked really lovely. This must have been the work of Pixie, but there was also a film over its exit.

"Do either of you know what this is?" I asked my guards, Miku, and the boys weren\'t back yet.

"It was something that Pixie and Gamble did with their Hex Suits design, and we are able to keep it close, and people can fly in as long as they have a Hex Suit. This way, we don\'t have to keep opening and closing the thing," Riza said as we walked forward.

Now that I really looked at it,  I could see the Hexagonal light patterns in the honey-colored shield. As we walked over, I could finally see the boys coming, but I couldn\'t spot Miku, but she would be just hiding in a shadow somewhere, but then I felt a soft bit of laughter in my mind.

Miku popped out of my shadow with a smile, and I grabbed her and gave her a warm hug as she tried to get free but finally stopped. She let me hold her for a minute, but I could tell that she wanted to step back and tell me all about it.

"They just wanted to let us know that the Goblins have been at it worse this year, but Queen Bulexia would like to meet you since we are so close. I said that I couldn\'t promise anything since we had a recent attack, but she said that was also fine and that she understood," Miku explained to me after I let her go.

I turned to Riza and Joni, but they both shook their heads.

"We need more than just us and the boys to head out. We aren\'t ready to face that Predator again, so I don\'t think we should change it," Riza explained, and I nodded.

I had felt the same way, but Miku had seemed excited, so I didn\'t want to have to be the one that shut her idea down. So, I was thankful that Riza explained it so nicely, and Miku only sighed.

"Don\'t worry, we will come back after we are done with the Trolls. For now, I thought that you might want to come for a walk with me to go see Pixie and Xani. We don\'t spend that much time together, so I thought that we might find something to do?" I asked hopefully.

"That sounds like fun, but do you mind if Rixie comes? I know we don\'t spend a lot of time together, but I really like having her around," Miku said with a shy smile that would have gotten the keys to my car.

"Yes, we can go find her. I don\'t mind if she comes along, but then I request that we visit the flowers. Something about them makes me want to go see them again," I said, and Miku nodded with a smile.

"Sure, we also have to stop by one of the chairs so we can get the ship\'s weapon upgrades finished. Then we should go get that kunai I got; you said that you were going to give it to Rixie, right?" Miku asked excitedly as we turned to head back to the gate, but then I paused and turned back.

Tag and Sig were standing patiently, and I had known that I forgot something, but I also wanted to give the two a reward for their service to me.

"Can you boys come over here? I want to try something with you two first since you are both the reason I am alive today. You two have both reached your peak, and now it is time to level up, so to speak. I want you two to be the first ones to get this, but that also means that you will be the first pair that I will be trying this on," I explained to the boys.

"We get to be the very first ones? Is there another honor that could be more stupendously awesome?" Tag asked as he and Sig walked forward, and it looked like Sig was about to cry.

"You… you just keep being excellent, my Queeniest of Queens! Both Tag and I are your Protector and Defender!" Sig said with a determined and scarred face, but soon all that would change.


"I will help you do it the first time, and then you will be able to do it easily after. I will pull up the Evolutionary Window, and then you can just walk up to each one, and the window should display if they are ready and how many Gene slots they have. I foresee them gaining extra ones from what they did," Hilda explained as a pair of transparent screens popped up, leaving a gap in the middle.

[Evolutionary Gene Transfer] Activated!

Gene Pool:

[Wind Magic] |[Thief] |[Stone] |[Mecha| |[Pacifying] |[Metal Grafting] |[Spell Imbuer] |[Fire Magic] |[Lightning Magic] |[Plague Magic] |[Shadow] |[Cavalier] |[Boost] |[Royal Mother] |[Hexology] |[HexStone] |[Tracking] |[Flash Step] |[All Seeing] |[Shadow Hunter] |[Wind Seer] |[Council] |[Leader] |[Guidance] |[Flower] |[Farmer] |[Rancher] |[Cook] |[Butcher] |[Preserver] |[Nurse] |[Doctor] |[Researcher] |[Scientist] |[Inventor] |[Maintenance] |[Cleaning] |[Housekeeping] |[Warden] |[Guard] |[Defender] |[Protector] |[Brawler] |[Ranger] |[Rogue] |[Tactician] |[HexBlade] |[Explosive] |[Dagger] |[Staff] |[Sword] |[Melee] |[Ranged] |[SpellBlade] |[Scout] |[Imposter] |[Death]

There was a massive list on the right side, but the left side still remained blank. So, I walked up to Sig first because he was the closest.

Once I was close enough, the screen showed a picture of him. Sigs stats and three open Gene Slots were there, but now I had to pick three things for him.

"Miku, What do you think? Anything stands out to you?" I asked as she came up beside me.

"I think that they should both get some kind of Magic, but I also kind of want to see what the Mecha thing will do to them. I was kind of thinking about asking for that one, I always thought the leg that I found was cool, but I have never met a live Meccat," Miku said, and I agreed; both were perfect answers.

"I am also inquisitive, but what do you think Sig? I was also curious about trying the Explosive Gene," I said, looking back to Sig, but he was already nodding his head.

"Can I have that too? That sounds like the most awesomest level ever!" Tag asked, but I put up my hand.

"Let\'s just try Sig first, and then we can decide if it is a good fit for you. This is a test to try and figure out what works and what doesn\'t," I said to them both, and they straightened up and smiled, nodding to me.

I took a deep breath and then selected the Lightning Magic, Mecha, and Explosive Gene\'s, and then waited to see what would happen. I was greeted by a final warning and confirmation message that told me that all changes were final and could not be reversed; there was a lot to read, and it felt like a legal contract that nobody ever read.

[Evolution] Activated!

[Subject: Sig] Will receive the following genes that will augment his [Protector] Class:

[Lightning Magic] |[Mecha] |[Explosive]

[New Class] Acquired!

[Mecha Thunder Wall Preserver]

Everyone in the hanger that had their eye open would most likely be blind for the next five minutes. That was an incredible amount of light that came off Sig, and if I hadn\'t known what it was, I would have thought this was what it might be like as a nuke hit or something.

I didn\'t wasn\'t time and activated my scanner to get a better look at what changes had occurred on the inside. Sig\'s wings were gone on the outside, but now he had what looked to be a rocket pack, and his face was completely healed.

[Biological Scan] Activated!

[Type]:(Race)Ferret-(Subrace)Mecha Ferret Shield Mage.

[Class]: Mecha Thunder Wall Preserver: This Class can create dangerous walls of lighting and charge their bodies with electricity to be able to transform. *Requires level 20 to transform.

[Unique Trait]: Stat Breakout: [Speed] 0%

[Status]: Excellent (HP N/A)


[Increased Power](Passive): Speed and strength are increased depending on the level.

[Jet Fight](Passive): Fly up to 200 Km/h.

[Thunderous Rebuke](Passive)

[Thunder Wall]: Create a wall of lightning 10 meters long and 3 wide.

[Breakout] (Gene) Acquired!

"Hilda, do you know anything about this Stat Breakout?" I asked after closing the scan.

"The more he works on his speed, the faster the bar will increase. Once it is full, Sig\'s speed stat will break past his old limit and help him reach a speed level that would only be available to him in the next evolution. The only downside is that it is a single-use Gene, and after the first Breakout, there are no more, but then you will always be ahead in that stat," Hilda explained, and I nodded my head.

"Well, I still think that It will be worth it. Now, it is time for the most awesomest Defender to step up to me!" I said to Tag with a smile as he pushed Sig out of the way.

Sig barely even noticed the push; he was lost entirely in looking over his new have Mech-Ferret body that was looking pretty cool. I looked at Tag, and he looked very excited.

"So, do you still want the same as your brother?" I asked, and Tag grinned and nodded to me.

"Does a Nightmare shit in the woods? You bet I do! Can\'t let my brother get ahead of me, so I want the Breakout, but can I have Fire Magic?" Tag asked curiously, and I grinned at him and nodded back.

"I think I can work something out," I said as I made the selections.

[Evolution] Activated!

[Subject: Tag] Will receive the following genes that will augment his [Defender] Class:

[Fire Magic] |[Mecha] |[Breakout]

[New Class] Acquired!

[Mecha Dragon Ferret]

Wait, what was going on with Tag? I didn\'t even bother telling people to close their eyes this time; I don\'t think that it would help. The retinal burning light finally ceased, and Tag stood covered in a scaled yellow and black Dragon armor, and there was even a Dragon\'s head on his chest!

"Woah! Look at that thing! And that!"

That was all I got out of my Dragon Ferret, so I decided to get the scanner going so I could see what was up with this Class.

[Biological Scan] Activated!

[Type]:(Race)Ferret-(Subrace)Mecha Ferret Dragon.

[Class]: Mecha Dragon Ferret: This Class can breathe cones of fire, and their bodies are covered in scales that absorb damage to be able to transform. *Requires level 20 to transform.

[Unique Trait]: Stat Breakout: [Defense] 0%

[Status]: Most Ecstatic (HP N/A)


[Increased Power](Passive): Speed and strength are increased depending on the level.

[Dragon Scales](Passive): Greatly increased defensive capabilities.

[Dragons Breathe: Fire]: Create a cone of fire 5 meters long and 3 wide at its widest point.

[Dragon] (Gene) Acquired!

Yup, a Yellow and black Ferret Dragon; this really felt like it was one of those moments where you think you have seen it all and boom! No, you haven\'t, but I was always glad for new experiences.

Now that I was finally done with the boys, I could go and do something with Miku and check out the rest of the hive. I was very interested to see what was going on in the new Hex-Combs.

"Are you ready to go now? I am sorry that we took so long to get started, but now we can get on our way!" I said as I took Miku\'s hand and dragged her to the Honey Gate.

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